Chapter 25

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TW: violence, Blood, revenge.. etc.

Skip if you can't handle violence.

And for all my blood thirsty reader, ENJOY!!

Amelia's pov*

"Missed me motherfuckers?" I say, barging into the Adrian's basement where he keeps all of his rats.

But I came here for my rats.

The ones who will enjoy tonight way too much.

"For fuck's sake you again?" Abel sneers.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't you say I was so fuckable the last time you saw me? Bipolar bitch." I say as I take one of the knifes that Adrian gave me.

They are very sharp might I add.

I stab Abel's thigh with it and he starts screaming.

His screaming is like music to my ears.

Nathan was quiet the whole time. Just watching Abel scream in agony.

"What about you Nathan? Did you miss me? 'Cause I sure as hell missed you." I say as I grab his hand that was tied behind his back and chop off his finger.

He starts screaming and I take his other finger and break it. Only adding more to his screams.

"You have no idea about the fun I'm gonna have." I smile at the two cry babies.

"You can torture us all you want. But that will never change the fact that you were a little bitch under our control." Abel sneers again.

"And look who are the little weak bitches under my control now?" I jabbed the knife I had in my hand in his other thigh and he screams in pain.

What he said hurt but I'm no way letting them have the satisfaction of knowing.

Adrian said he wanted to see them suffer with me because and I quote 'anyone who had caused you pain, had caused me agony.'

I told him he can watch from the cameras in his basement. They are very high quality and the sound is too.

He is currently watching us right now and knows every single word we say.

I pulled out the blowtorch that Adrian also gave me. I took it from the bodyguards that were standing there watching everything.

Adrian gave me guns, Knifes, a blowtorch that blows out blue fire. (Which is hella cool)

And a whiplash.

A freaking whiplash.

I am so enjoying this.

These fuckers destroyed me. They completely destroyed me. Physically and mentally. After what they did I wasn't able to walk for a whole week and my body was severely injured. my mental health wasn't any better. And for what they've done they are gonna pay. And I won't go easy on them. Before what they did to me, I used to be weak and the thought of hurting someone terrified me. But after what they've done. I completely shut off my emotions, they need to pay. And I will make them pay.

Nathan got quiet again which annoyed me, so I put the knife on his cheek and I drag It along it, givinh him the same scar that Abel has.

"Oh em geeee. Twinsies!" I laugh while backing away to look at both of them.

Nathan only winces in pain while Abel looks at me disgustingly.

"Oh come on Abel. Why so sad?" I ask.

"Shut the fuck up you whore!" He yells and that makes me chuckle.

"You aren't tired already are you? Because today is gonna be so long for you guys. Can't say the same for me, though"

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