Chapter 10

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Ok let's get serious now.

This is so fun to write.


I woke up to a really fucking bright light and I immediately put my hand over my eyes.

Why is it so fucking bright here?

I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder and I looked at who is was and it was a nurse.

"Hey. How are you feeling" She said with a soft smile.

"I can't move. It hurts to move. " I said calmly.

The nurse came closer to me and looked back at someone I didn't see out the window. "Is the guy out there the one who raped you? You can tell me. It's safe here." She said. I looked at who she was talking to and saw Adrian.

I shook my head fast and said "no no he is the one who saved me from who did this." I said and started feeling the tears sting my eyes again.

God why am I so weak!

The nurse nodded and got out of the room. Adrian came in running and said. "The nurse told me about all your injuries." He said looking sad.

I sat up a bit but yelped in pain because my body felt like it was on fire. "Don't move Amelia. It will hurt more." Adrian said and he put a hand on my shoulder pushing me down gently.

"Did they rape you?"

He asked looking me in the eyes.

I burst out crying because I can't tell him what they did!

"Amelia I saw the blood on your stomach and legs. And the nurses wouldnt talk to me. They think I'm the one who raped you."

"I told them it wasn't you Adrian don't worry."

"Who did it. Abel or Nathan?" He asked looking angry.

I cried even more then he repeated himself "who did it Amelia."

"Both." I whispered between my cries.

"I'm worthless Adrian I'm just a Body now! My mother always told me to save my body for someone I love! And they stole that from me! I am a worthless piece of rock!" I cried. He looked shocked at my outburst. Poor Adrian probably doesn't know how the fuck to deal with this.

"You are anything but worthless Amelia. Don't you ever say that! And they didn't take your virginity. Let's say you had a watch and you really loved it. And someone came and stole it. Does that mean  that you lost the watch or did it just get stolen?"

What a weird question "it got stolen of course"

"Exactly. You didn't lose your body for them Amelia. You still have it." He said then he hugged me. I took a sharp breath in pain because I moved a bit and he noticed and pulled away.

"Sorry" He said.

"Where are the others?"

"They are outside the room waiting for me to tell them to enter."

"Let them in I want to see them. Wait! What about Rio?" I haven't seen him at all I missed him.

"He's waiting in the car for us." I sighed. "Ok let the others in."

They all came in after Adrian called them. Athena, Kyle, Corbin and Ian. They were like family to me.

"Amelia thank god your awake! I missed you so fucking much!" Athena came in and hugged me tight. "Athena.. it hurts" I managed to squeeze out.

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