I froze and stared at him before my eyes began to burn with tears. "You don't really believe that. I'm happier here than I've ever been! I'm not in the Ice Queens shadow! I don't have people at school being fake nice to me so they can get closer to her! I don't have the fucking paparazzi keeping tabs on me and blogging about all the ways I've fucked up as Ice Queens child!"

"Y/n! Lower your voi-"

I screamed at the top of my lungs desperately and cried loudly like a child. "How could you threaten to put me back into that situation knowing how much I hated it over there?! I'm happy here! I have awesome friends who would risk their lives to protect me like I would do for them! I have an amazing boyfriend who I picture myself marrying! I had like two real friends in America and it was only because their parents were famous pro heroes too! I'm not going back!" I went up to my room and slammed the door shut before locking it. I threw myself in bed and thought about what had just happened. My dad has never yelled at me or reacted like that.

Around dinner time, I heard a knock on my door, but ignored it. "Y/n... Dinner's ready." Said my dad. "It'd be nice if you came out so we could talk. Your mother's here, so maybe the three of us can talk things through... Okay. I'll be downstairs when you're ready." I heard his footsteps fade and continued scrolling on my phone.

"Y/n?" I heard my mother say. "I know I'm the last person you'd want to talk to, but your dad told me what happened. I'll be honest, hearing that you're having sex is a bit unsettling, but it's not because you're young... You're a high schooler. That's around the time most people start having sex... Y/n?" I sighed before getting up and opening the door. We were now face to face and I let her come in before closing the door. We sat on my bed and I quietly listened. "I think your dad reacted that way because it feels like you're growing up too fast. He's been watching you grow up and you're suddenly having sex. You're no longer a little girl... I think you should talk to him again, now that you've both calmed down."

She got up and so did I before I followed her to the kitchen and sat at the table with them. We started eating silently and I kept noticing my dad look at me. I looked up to make eye contact and realized how sad he looked. "I'm sorry for how I acted." He apologized.

"I'm sorry too." I responded. "I shouldn't have kept this a secret."

"It wouldn't have mattered if you told me. I think I would've still gotten mad... You have to understand that I was in shock. My child is having sex and is at the age where she could get pregnant. I know you're not, but it worries me... You're becoming a woman."

I nodded and held his hand. "I understand. I'm still sorry. I reacted badly when you said moving here was a mistake. I shouldn't have screamed."

"Are you really that happy here?"

"More than ever. I'll be honest, I wasn't miserable in America. I did have friends, but most of them came with conditions. I have true friends here that knew nothing about mom before meeting me. I really got to make these friends on my own."

He nodded and smiled until my mother spoke. "What do you mean?" She asked, but I stayed quiet and continued eating.

After dinner, we stayed seated to talk about new house rules. "No sleepovers with Shoto." Said my dad. "He can be around, but I don't want you two behind closed doors."

"I think you're being a bit unreasonable." Said my mother. "If they can't have sex under this roof, they're just gonna find some other place to do it."

"Come on~" Whined my dad. "Fine. You can close doors, but no sleepovers!"

"You do know that I'll be starting my work study soon, right? After tomorrow, I won't be around." I responded.

"The rules apply for whenever you're home." I nodded and he continued. "No kissing or displaying affection in front of me. I'll kick both of you out. I'm serious about this."

"Okay, fine. Your house, your rules." Later on, I locked myself in my room before calling Shoto. When he answered, it was silent. "Babe?"

"I talked to Fuyumi." He sighed. "I told her that it was wrong of her to tell your father and if she has a problem with our relationship, she needs to talk to me about it. I'm so sorry that she put you in that situation."

"No, It's okay. I was bound to have this conversation with him at some point."

"... Are you okay? Were you punished?"

"I'm okay." I chuckled. "Are you?"

"I am... Let me video call you."

My eyes widened in surprise. "V-Video call? We've never done that before."

"Well sometimes, just hearing you isn't enough. I want to see you." My phone began buzzing and I noticed the video call request from him. I answered it hesitantly and put my phone down with it angled towards me. Once I saw him, I puffed my cheeks in an awkward way. I don't normally video chat with anyone. This was strange for me. "I can't believe I miss you already."

I blushed and covered my face shyly. "Stop." I whined. "You're making me feel shy."

He smiled before leaning closer to the camera. "Good. I like making you shy."

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