Chapter 26 Maggia Families

Start from the beginning

"I still can't believe she proposed to me!" I whispered with a laugh because I thought it was actually super funny, and cute. Plus, the celebration last night felt good. Just what I needed. I started kissing Gracie's shoulder softly.

"Wade, I'm trying to sleep." She whispered and rolled over to the other side of the bed.

"Sorry, I didn't think it would wake ya," I said rolling with her wrapping my arms around her torso, as I kissed the side of her neck.

"You are so needy right now, and for what, we littlraly have had sex 2 nights in a row." Burying her face into the pillow.

"You know you like it." I kiss her ear with a grin.

"Well of course, i love it, but i'm trying to sleep!!." She smiled, though trying to scold me I knew she couldn't do it.

"You sleep and I kiss. It's a win win." I smile at her.

"Fine, fine." she said, closing her eyes and trying to fall asleep. Then her eyes shot open. "Did Ave, and Cayden get back?" She grabbed her phone to see any messages.

"I don't know." I shrug, "I was busy with other things last night."

"I'm going to go check her room, I'll be back." She got out of bed and put a robe on, tied it and walked out of the room. I laid my back down upon the mattress. I was tired. She came back into the room, "They're home. Wow, I'm such a mom." she scrunched her nose and laughed while shaking her head, and got back into the bed.

"I mean you're going to be one soon so you are right for the job."

"I guess so, well, are you going out for work today?" She asked as we spooked again.

"Depends if my boss has a job for me." I shrug. "I am a mercenary after all. And no, you aren't coming. I'm going to get distracted or turned on or worried. I need you to look after Ave and Cayden. I don't want them to do what we've been doin. Plus it's weird thinking of your daughter playing wheelbarrow with some guy."

"Don't you think your daughter thinks the same about you and me?"

"I mean... Maybe." I pull the blanket over my head, "She understands though probably because I told her about my early days."

"Well she does and im telling you now, its weird thinking of your partans having sex

"I didn't think much of it because my parents hated each other." I sigh, "But you're still not coming with me to work."

"I wasn't planning on it today." I pull the blanket down from my head and look at her with a suspicious look.

"Something fishy is going on."

"Dude, im excused, having sex with you takes a lot out of me."

"Yet you were able to stand today. Normally you would have fallen." I squint my eyes at her.

"Wade stop being weird, nothings going on, unless you want me to go with you, turn you on while working, have sex on top of a building? Do you want that?"

"As much as that sounds fun, I want you to stay here. My work is deadly and I don't want to get you caught up in it as Vanessa did." I brush her hair back, "I love you too much to lose you."

"I love you too, and if you don't want me to go, then i won't, even though i helped fight Thanos but it's whatever."

"I'll call you if I need you." I kiss her cheek. I pick up my phone to check the time and then I head off to get a shower. "You know, there's a little bit of room in here for a second person."

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