Chapter 14 Girls Night

Start from the beginning

I smiled at her, "Thank you for realizing that he's not a monster but a human under it all." I walked over to the bed and sat down with my ice cream.

"Oh do you think I'm that shallow that I would think he's a monster because of his scars?"

"He's been called a monster before when we would walk through the streets without a mask. That's why I do the shopping and the work."

"Was it by a child?"

"No but adults."

"Huh might as well be a child. It amazes me what people will call people without knowing them."

I giggle, "It does seem like a child would say that. TV?"

"Of course, what do you want to watch?"

"I watch horror movies with my dad."

"How old are you?" Gracie's face was terrified.

"Seventeen." I spoke under my breath.

"When did you start watching horror movies?"

"Fifteen." I whispered.

"Pftttt why do you look like my dog when she's getting scolded." Gracie said laughing.

"I didn't know if you were going to scold me. We can always watch something else. I love Star Wars."

"No Ave we can watch whatever you want. I just didn't watch my first horror movie till I was 18."

"Funny story, so..." I turned my whole body towards her, "We were living in Utah for a bit and so I would try and sneak out of the room to see what my dad was watching. I did pretty well until I was caught halfway through the movie because I needed to sneeze."

"Hahahahaha that's cute!" She said laughing, as she ate her ice cream.

"I wonder what Cayden and dad are doing."


Wade -

"Got any twos?" Cayden asked.

"Goldfish." I said.


Avery -

"I wonder." Gracie said as I flipped through the channels. "I do have a question for you."


"If you get uncomfortable just tell me okay?"

"Uncomfortable? How? I'm perfectly fine right now."

"Did your dad ever teach you about the birds and the bees?" She said, looking at me.

"Yeah but he did it horror movie style when I was a kid and I never understood it but yeah. It's about sex, isn't. When a man and woman love each other, that thing?" I bit into my ice cream.

"Oh dear. Who are teaching kid about sex these days goodness!"

"The schools but I opted out of health class. My dad was worried about what I would do or think about. I figured it out pretty quickly."

"Wow, did you know that Cayden doesn't know?"

"Yes." I giggled, "I overheard him muttering to himself about something like that. I wanted to explain to him but it would be awkward so I was going to wait till a couple weeks before we marry. It's going to be awhile since I'm a Junior and he's a Freshman in college."

"I think it is the funniest thing and you would think-"

"How did you learn that Cayden doesn't know about it?" I finally found a movie, Beauty and the Beast, live action. It felt too ironic.

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