Chapter 13 Let's Start All Over Again

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"So, did you get the job done, dad?" I looked up at Avery, "The late nighter."

I stared at her for a moment then at Gracie then at Cayden. "Yeah...." I tried not to smile, "Yup." I continued to eat my soup. "Did you get any sleep?"

"Yeah, I got some. It was hard sleeping not knowing what's happening to you but yeah." she smiled. Then I felt Gracie's hand on my thigh as she looked at me. I cleared my throat.

"Um, I was wondering, Avery... You and Cayden are definitely dating right?"

She blushed and looked over at Cayden, "Yeah. Yes we are." I cleared my throat again.

"How would you feel about your old man seeing someone?" The table went silent. Avery's smile got wider.

"You finally did it! You put yourself out there! Who's the lucky girl?!" She moved closer to the dinner table. Gracie slowly raised her hand and smiled. "Oh... OH!" Avery nodded her head, "As long as she loves you bad, that's what matters. I see you even put a ring on it already!"

Cayden spilt out his soup, "What?!" Gracie's face went red and she looked at her hand then looked at me.

"So does that mean she's staying? Not going back to her time?" She looked excited.

"I didn't see this coming." Cayden whispered.

"When's the wedding?! Do I get to be the maid of honor?! Please tell me I do?!" Questions were coming left and right from both Cayden and Avery.

'Well I would actually like to spend time with Ave before me and your dad get married."Gracie smiled slightly.

Avery smiled but something didn't seem right. "Ave, can I explain to you outside for a moment?"

"Sure." We walked outside the apartment door.

"You're not happy are you." I questioned her.

Her smile faded, "I didn't expect you so soon. I'm happy for you! I really am but does she know what you look like under the mask is what I'm afraid of. Mom loved you and pushed the scars aside but will she?"

"You're worried about her and not me."

"I just want you to be happy like you were with mom. I barely got to see that side of you growing up but I want to see it! I want to feel like a father and daughter again. Now you are just like a bodyguard." she looked down.

I put my hands on her shoulders, "She will love me and I'm not forcing her. If she doesn't want to be with me any more then that's okay but she has seen my face." A little bit more than my face too. "She told me that no matter the scars on your face or body, she will love me till the end."

She stared at me, "How much time have you spent together?" A little bit too much.

"Why don't we finish lunch? Shall we?" I smiled through the mask and walked in with her. Gracie smiled as we walked in and got up and came to give me a hug.

"Can you take your mask off please. We are inside your apartment. Plus I want a kiss." She whispered in my ears.

I stared at Cayden, "I... Can't. Cayden's present. I can only lift it to my nose."

Cayden threw his arms in the air, "Why am I always caught in the middle of things?!"

Avery clears her throat, "Where's Gracie going to sleep?"

Cayden raised his hand, "I have a spare room at my house. Don't worry, I wouldn't do anything only because my mom is living with me."

"Avery, why don't you go over with Cayden..."

"Dad, wouldn't allow me..."

"The only time she's been to my house was karaoke."

"That is so cute.. Well I have power over your dad, why don't you just go.. Have fun. Just don't do anything..Cayden." Gracie said, still hugging me.

"Really... You guys were the ones who-"

"Who are going to watch a movie and you guys can do your karaoke night."

Avery got a worried look on her face. "Avery." I look her in the eyes, "I will make a wall of pillows if it makes you feel better." I cross my fingers behind my back.

"Or Ave you can stay with me and your dad can go with Cayden and we can have a girls night!"

"Like that will happ-" I glared at Cayden. "Sure thing."

"I'll be okay with that!" Avery smiled. Dang it! I was really hoping for round two.

"Yay girls night!" Cayden stared at me.

"Do you do karaoke?" I crossed my arms,

"I guess not."

"Okay babe have fun. Kiss?"

Avery looked at us with a weird face and I noticed. I'll go easy on her to get used to it. I kissed her forehead and I grabbed Cayden. "Come on."

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