"You okay man?" Kai asks tapping Theo's back

"Nah but I will be. I'm going to say bye to the girls then leaving, he is right and I need to do this properly not for me but for her" Theo says before walking away.

Both girls see theo walking over to them making their eyes widen.

"Hey sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to say congratulations to you both and sorry about the meal." He says shocking them both then takes his sister in his arms giving her a hug

"Be safe okay" he tells her "look after Amelia"

"Theo are you okay?" She asks worriedly as he pulls away

"I will be" he tells her then turns to take Amelia into a hug holding her tightly

Amelia feels a lump in the back of her throat as she wraps her arms around him

"I'm so sorry for everything Amelia  but you deserve the world and I can't give you that" Theo mutters into her ear "everything thing is over for us and to make it easier I'm going to keep away. Goodbye spitfire" he says shakily before kissing her cheek

"Theo" Lia tried as she feels like her heart is being shredded into a thousand pieces.

"Goodbye Amelia" he says with a small smile before walking through the crowd and out of the club.

"Theo" both girls shout worriedly trying to stop him

"What did he say to you?" Cara asks turning to Lia

"Goodbye" Amelia says with sad eyes making Cara look up to see Kai and Luciano watching them.

"You girls okay?" A voice asks startling them

"Yes, sorry" Amelia says letting out a breath

"Let's dance" Cara says before pulling Lia further into the dance floor

"What do you think that was about?" The guy who Cara was dancing with asks his friend who is still watching Amelia.

"Don't know" he says "let's go get the girls" he says with a smirk making his friends chuckle.

"I don't like the look of this pricks" Kai growls to Luciano as they watch over their sisters

Taking his phone out Luciano dials a number "find out who the guys are that's dancing with Lia and Cara" he says before hanging up then looks at Kai "neither do I"

They watch as Cheryl one of the woman who works for Luciano in another club walks up to the third male who is standing alone.

"You think it will work?" Kai smirks already knowing it will.

"Si, it always does" Luciano says chuckling under his breathe "you think theo will be okay?" He asks thinking back to the look on his friends face.

"I'm really not sure " Kai says softly then looks at his friend "he really does love her Luciano, like for real. He just didn't want to upset anyone and he feels obligated to keep up with Tiffany not wanting to upset her. But I mean if you lost out on a girl like Lia would you be okay?" He mutters without thinking about the last bit

"Did you just ask me what I would do if I lost as girl like my sister" Luciano shivers in disgust

"Oh fuck off you know what I meant" Kai groans " like a beautiful kind funny strong good girl?" He mutters making Luciano narrow his eyes at him

"Do I have to worry about you with my sister Kai?" He growls

"Nah man, if I was wanting to settle down?" Kai asks "absolutely but I'm not so no" he smiles widely

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