"Yes," I tell him smiling. 

A couple of hours later we have gone through everything and I couldn't be more excited for the outcome and what the millers firm is going to be doing.

"So when are you going to let me take you on a date?" Kai asks me as I lock up the door before passing the keys to James.

"What?" I ask with a laugh.

"A date?" He smirks

"Shut up, you don't want to go on a date with me," I say rolling my eyes at him.

"Nah, I'm being serious" he states making me look at him in shock before shaking my head.

"Leave her alone jackass, she is not going to be one of your bed warmers" Cara growls at him making me and James laugh.

"Sorry, the boss has spoken," I tell him with a smirk

"Oh come on" he groans as we walk away from them.

"Well that was very random" I mutter

"Girl of course he would want you, you're gorgeous. But we all know what Kai is like" Cara huffs

"A one-and-done kind of guy" I giggle.

"So what are we doing now?" I ask Cara

"How about we take you girls out for dinner?" Kai asks before Cara can say anything.

"Yeah lily will be sleeping for the next two hours at least so I could do with some food," James says with a smirk

"Well, I guess we are going to eat then," I say with a chuckle.

"Thank fuck, I didn't want to go to the dinner that was planned for tonight" James sighs making me look at him confused. "Kai call dad and tell him we aren't going"

I tell tony that the guys were going to be driving us to the restaurant so he could just leave. Once we get into Kai's car I look at James.

"Ok that's Amelia just got in so speak soon bye" Kai says

"Bye" I hear Jessica and chases voices before they cut off.

"What dinner were you talking about?" I ask James

"Oh I forgot to tell you about that, dad sent us all a text telling us that Tiffany asked Theo to set up a family dinner for tonight" Cara explains

"Then maybe you should all go, not for her but your brother," I tell them feeling a bit sorry for Theo

"No fucking way, I have no interest in sitting with her" Kai mutters

"No thanks," James says

"Bitch I don't like her, I ain't sitting playing happy families with her" Cara spits

"Guys..." I start with a sigh

"Nope, I don't even know why he is getting married to her" Cara mumbles

"Maybe he loves her," I tell them even though it hurts to say.

"Bullshit" Kai snorts

"Ok let's just go to eat," I tell them

"What do you guys want?"

"Chinese" Cara and I say in unison making the boys chuckle as Kai parks the car before we all walk into the Chinese restaurant.

An hour later we are still sitting at the table and I feel like I am going to burst open.

"I'm so full" Cara groans

"Tell me about it, it looks like I'm pregnant" I giggle

"Is it my baby?" Kai asks with a cheeky smirk on his face, a bush appears on my face as an old woman gives me a funny look making the others laugh.

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