prologue : my condolences

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🎟——- decided to release this slightly earlier because i've been writing from like 6 pm until 2 am. enjoy<3

│   ◢◤◢◤ TW: gore/dead body, drug usage, death
   ◢◤ flashbacks between scenes are usually indicated either by an obvious divide, spaces, or this symbol [ ›› ]
◢◤ any flashbacks in italics are a snapshot in the past that's written in third person just to showcase a scene. these scenes aren't necessarily known by the character whose perspective is being written in.

└——————— - [ 📼 ]. +
w.c: 1.5k+

— August 14, 2063, Poliska City

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August 14, 2063, Poliska City. a city with its own stock exchange, the most diverse population in all of Smp Republic, and a beautiful, touristy coast nearby a strait lined with suburbia the farther you drive. it was a small place in a huge republic, which is why nobody expected a massive tragedy to happen.

in the dead of night, police sirens wailed and officers hollered at one another over the radio, anxiously digging their feet into their gas pedals. they had to surpass traffic lights upon release, flashing their blue and red lights to alert city goers and nighttime walkers of not only their presence, but the presence of emergency. their tires screeched but they didn't care. they were going over the speed limit but they didn't care. it wasn't like the sensation of racing. it was the terror of the unknown.

"911 what's your emergency?"


"please tell me your location."


"okay. police are on the way. please standby and stay where you are. stay on the line and breath with me okay?"

the woman who dialed couldn't stop hyperventilating. she held her phone shakily to her ear while her husband stood next to her and attempted to calm her down. she never stopped crying that night. once her eyes fell upon the coroners lifting the naked body out of the creek, it only made her break down more, eyes bulging and throat closing. her body didn't want oxygen when it became traumatized, the skin of her face being shrouded in blue and red flashes.


♥ →→    Dream's pov

surly some crazy shit goes down in the city..

but not this crazy.


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