Steven vs Dabi/Toga's Folly

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(Narrator's POV)

The sound of another contained explosion led Steven and the Class 1-A guys to Class H-1 where they found none other than Mei Hatsume, her face covered in black residue that she quickly used a rag to clean off once she saw she wasn't alone.

"Oh! Hey you guys! And hello for the first time to you, Steven Universe! Glad I finally get to meet you! Everyone's been talking about how you beat Izuku in the finals of the Sports Festival Tournament!" She exclaimed as Steven smiled but his expression turned serious when he remembered why they had come to Mei.

"Thank you for that. But this isn't a social call: We need your help. Tsuyu Asui has been kidnapped and while we have an idea who may have been behind it, we don't know where she might be. Can you possibly track where she is using my phone?" Steven asked as Mei nodded.

"Of course! Tsu's a sweetheart. Can't imagine anyone wanting to hurt her. Lemme see your phone and we'll see where our kidnappers are hiding." She said as Steven handed Mei his phone. After a little while, she smirked in victory.

"They made it almost too easy! Found them! Kamino, Yokohama." She said.

"Kamino...that's the old League of Villains hideout. When they.... Tch. Doesn't matter. Not important right now. We gotta save Tsuyu. I'll go ahead. Don't be dragging your asses, you guys." He said as he left.

"Is Bakugo OK? Did something happen to him?" Steven asked as Izuku and Kirishima looked worried.

"Bakugo was kidnapped by the League of Villains. I guess that's one big reason why he wants to save Tsuyu. Still, he shouldn't go ahead without us." Kirishima said as he followed his friend outside.

"I'd rather you guys weren't involved at all--" Steven said until Kaminari stopped him.

"No. I know you're strong, Steven. But I don't think you can take on Dabi, Toga and Shigaraki by yourself. We're coming with you. Besides, we know where the place is." He said as Steven nodded. Even now, the hybrid still has a hard time accepting help from those eager to lend it.

"Alright. You guys lead the way. Thanks, Mei." He said as Mei smiled.

"Anytime! Go save Tsuyu and be careful, you guys!" She said as Steven, Kaminari and Izuku went to catch up with Bakugo and Kirishima.

A while later, they had arrived at the location. At one point there was a bar in the area but it was destroyed during Bakugo's rescue. Now, however, there was a small shack of some kind there. About the size of a small cabin in the woods.

"Here it is. The old bar that was here is long gone. My guess is that this place was built a while afterwards." Bakugo said.

"I'll go in first. If something seems off, then you guys come in, OK?" Steven said as the others nodded in agreement as they all watched the hybrid open the door and slowly walk in...only to see Tsuyu tied up in a chair!

"Tsuyu! Guys come in here! I found---WHOA!!" Steven exclaimed as a wall of blue flame appeared, cutting him off from the others!

"Now that we're alone, I can finally see what you're made of." A voice said as a figure walked out the shadows, his hands alight with blue fire as Steven gasped.

"You're..Dabi. Shoto told me about you. So you're the one who kidnapped Tsuyu! Let her go!!" The hybrid snapped as his skin turned Pink as Dabi chuckled.

"Yeah. Me and two others. Don't worry though. This is just for fun. Well maybe not so much for you.." Dabi said with a chuckle as he shot a blue fireball at Steven who blocked it with his shield!

"What? Tch. Looks like my flames don't do much against that shield of yours. Well. I may not be able to hurt you with my quirk itself but let's see how you handle it when I turn up the heat!" Dabi exclaimed as he shot even more blue flames around Steven, who summoned his barrier to prevent himself from getting incinerated.

"Damn you! You want your frog girlfriend here to burn alive?!?" Dabi snapped as Steven became worried. He had forgotten that Tsuyu could still be hurt by this heat and had to go on the offense as soon as he could!

*Gotta get some damage in and take him down before this heat gets to be too much!* Steven thought to himself as he quickly summoned a second shield and took the barrier down and launched it at Dabi, catching him off guard and ceasing the barrage of flames long enough for the hybrid to go on the attack with a barrage of strikes that took the villain down, knocking him out cold as Steven then untied Tsuyu.

"Steven! Tsuyu! You guys OK?!?" The worried voice of Izuku yelled as Steven and Tsuyu came out of the shack, the hybrid carrying Tsuyu in his arms.

"We're alright. But that Dabi guy is out cold in there. You guys may want to--GAH!!" Steven exclaimed as he felt needles stick into his arm! Almost as if his blood was being forcibly drawn, causing him to drop Tsuyu in reaction as another figure appeared: This time a girl with blonde hair and crazed yellow eyes!

"Toga!!!" Tsuyu exclaimed as Steven soon got the needles out of him and knelt to the ground as Toga then turned into an exact copy of him!

"Yes! Yes! Your blood tastes as good as I imagined!" Toga exclaimed as Izuku and the others were about to go on the attack but Tsuyu called them off.

"No. She's mine. This psychopath kidnapped me and now she has the nerve to take the form of someone I care about? I won't stand for that!" She snapped as she went on the attack as Toga smirked, thinking Steven's shield would protect her.



A straight kick to the head rocked Toga so hard that she reverted back to normal, much to her shock!

"What the?!? Why couldn't I use your quirk?!? What are you?!? Who are you?!?" She exclaimed as Steven got up and simply chuckled.

"Because you still have no idea just how my powers work. And...maybe it's best that you don't know." The hybrid said as Toga looked outraged at first before she began laughing maniacally.

"Hehehehehe! More! I want more from you! I think I'm in love! Your blood tasted so sweet! I want more!!!" She exclaimed as Steven looked at the girl with a combination or confusion and outright fear.

Did this girl just fall in love with him...over his BLOOD?

"Hehehe! Sadly, that's all we have time for! Dabi and Shigaraki are waiting for me! Bye bye, Steven-Kun!" Toga said, blowing a kiss at Steven before escaping.

"Who or WHAT is she?" Steven asked as Tsuyu kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you, Steven. *Ribbit*" She said as Izuku and the other guys smiled just as Momo and Ochaco ran up to the group.

"Izuku! Tsuyu! Are you guys all OK?!?" Momo exclaimed as Steven nodded.

"Yeah. So Dabi and Toga...wait. Toga said Dabi was waiting for her with someone named Shigaraki. I just knocked Dabi out cold in that shack over there." The hybrid said.

"Likely a clone. The real Dabi probably made it to mess with us. But let's get back to UA. Mina is worried sick." Ochaco said as they all headed back to UA to rest and recover...

Tsuyu is saved! And Toga has gone Yandere for Steven! See ya next chapter!





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