Burnin' Rival/Quirkless...

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(Narrator's POV)

Looking at himself in the mirror, Steven smiled. Star and Stripe had left his UA Uniform with the Gems last night in preparation for today. And to be honest: He liked how he looked in it. Heading downstairs, the Gems were there. Including Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth.

"You guys came to see me off on my first day?" Steven asked as Peridot laughed.

"Of course, you clod! Why wouldn't we?" The Green Gem asked as Garnet smiled.

"You look good in a UA Uniform, Steven. You ready? Star and Stripe should be here any moment. She wants to escort you on your first day." The fusion said as Steven nodded. He was more than ready. Physically, mentally and despite Connie's departure, emotionally as well.

"I would say "Make us proud" but you already do that so much. So I'll just say good luck and just be yourself." Pearl said as Steven smiled.

"I think I'll be fine. It'll be a new thing being around others with superhuman powers, but I'll adjust." The hybrid said as there was a knock at the door and in came Star and Stripe.

"Ah Steven! Ready for your big debut at UA? After you hit it off so well last night with your classmates, I'm sure they're alll eager to see you again." She said as Steven hugged his family before leaving on the Warp Pad with Star and Stripe.

*In Japan....*

"So this is UA. It's huge!" Steven exclaimed as he and Star and Stripe arrived at UA. The Pro Hero chuckled at the teen's amazement before gasping.

"Oh! I need to go check in with All Might! Your classroom is just ahead! First room on the left!" Star and Stripe said as she quickly took off.

Heading into the room that read "Class 1-A", Steven was met by a teenage girl with Yellowish green flaming hair.

"Hey! You're the new guy! Let me tell you what's what: I'm Burnin and I'm gonna be the number 1 hero, got it?!? No random no name is gonna beat me, so you better know your place!" She snapped as Steven just gave her a look.

"Look, that's great and all, but I didn't ask. Where's everyone else? Are we the first ones here?" The hybrid asked, enraging Burnin as she then grabbed him by his collar and slammed him against the chalkboard.

"What'd you say?!? You aren't gonna come in here and disrespect me! Didn't you hear what I said?!?" She snarled as Steven remained unfazed. He had seen and met far worse than this hothead of a girl.

"It's hard to NOT hear you." A voice said as Burnin looked and saw Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo and others from Class 1-A.

"Get lost, Kamiji! You aren't even in this class!" Bakugo snapped as Burnin glared at them before her gaze was back on Steven.

"This isn't over, Newbie!! I'm gonna be Number 1 around here!!" She snapped, letting him go and storming out.

"Man, she's a piece of work. Reminds me of how you used to be, Bakugo." Kaminari said as Bakugo was about to reply until..

"That was the past, Denki. Unlike Burnin, Bakugo has changed." A voice said as a curvy blonde girl came in with another girl with frog like features.

"Well well. Steven Universe, right? Nice to meet you. My name is Camie Utsushimi. I'm the resident social media queen and the girlfriend of my Bakubae over there." She said, blowing a kiss to a now blushing Bakugo.

"Tch. Aizawa is gonna be in here soon. We should get in our seats." He replied as the girl with frog features spoke.

"Um...I'm Tsuyu Asui. It's nice to meet you, Steven. *Ribbit* " She said as Steven smiled at her, causing her to blush a bit.

"So what's your quirk, anyway? We meant to ask you that last night but Mina figured a party wasn't the best time to do it." Kaminari asked.

There was that word again: Quirk. What was a quirk?

"Ok. I'm going to sound like an idiot for asking, but what is a Quirk?" Steven asked as the others just looked at him before Izuku smiled.

"Like....your power. What is your power, Steven?" He asked as Steven got it at last.

"Well my powers come from my Mom. It's...a long story. I inherited them and made them my own." He said as Izuku smiled.

"Wow. That's like me in a way. So you're technically quirkless and your powers are inherited? Same here." He replied as Kaminari chuckled.

"Yeah. Except Steven has made his quirk his own and I'm pretty sure it doesn't result in him breaking bones." He said with a laugh until...


"Ow!" He exclaimed as Jiro smacked him across the head, causing the others to laugh.

"Getting acquainted, I see." A voice said as everyone looked and saw a tall slender man with black hair and a white scarf.

"So you're Steven Universe, eh? Good to meet you. I'm Mr Aizawa. So you're technically quirkless, but yet you aced the physical exams. More to you than meets the eye, I assume. But we'll have more time to explore that during Gym class. Now choose a seat."   Aizawa said as Steven sat next to Tsuyu Asui.

"Now then: I'm sure you all have gotten to know Steven, but I'd like to hear it from his own mouth. So tell us a bit about yourself, Steven." Aizawa said as Steven had to be careful. He couldn't just say he was a half alien hybrid or that his Mom was a ruler turned Rebel leader.

"Well not much to tell." Steven said as Aizawa simply chuckled.

"Well that's alright. No need to rush into a full backstory. I'm sure we'll learn more about you as the days go on. Now let's begin, class." Aizawa said as he began today's lesson.

As I said: Burnin is the rival/bully to Steven in this.

See ya next chapter!








Starlight(SUXMy Hero Academia)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora