Hanging Out

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(Narrator's POV)

Everyone was hyped for the Sports Festival as the days seemed to pass slower and slower and considering how excited everyone was, it was pure torture.

However, Steven and the others kept training. And due to recent events, Steven had been staying at the dorm more often, which was good since it gave the guys a chance to learn more about him although none of them knew what Tsuyu or the other girls knew.

Today would be a day where they'd all just relax due to the amount of training they all had been doing. Why not since it was the weekend? Mina had invited the boys out for a day out together and since Steven had no plans to go check in with his family, he decided to join them knowing Tsuyu would likely want to see him.

*Knock knock*

"It's open!" Bakugo called out as the door opened as Mina stuck her head in.

"Hey boys! You ready yet?" She asked as Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"Not if you keep bugging us. We'll be there in a minute." He replied as Mina simply giggled and left as Bakugo looked at Kirishima.

"Damn. She's just right for you. Both of you are high levels of crazy." He said as Kirishima took a playful swing at his friend as Steven chuckled. It felt good to just feel like part of the group.

"Anyway, like you have any room to talk. You know Camie's gonna be there. And she'll want you on your best behavior." Kaminari said with a laugh as Bakugo rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Say what now? As if Jiro won't want the same for you. Besides, we talking about the same Camie? She isn't too innocent herself. Probably why her and I click so well." He said as Izuku laughed.

"I know you ain't laughing, Midoriya! Don't make us get on you about Urakaka!" Kirishima exclaimed as Izuku shook his head.

"There's nothing between me and Urakaka. At least I don't think there is. Why does everyone think we'll end up married or something?" He asked as Kaminari chuckled.

"Not even gonna humor that with a response, Midoriya. And don't think I don't see you over there chuckling, Steven. What's the deal with you and Tsu? We never did hear about what went down when you took her to meet your family." He said as Steven simply chuckled in reply.

"We should get going or else Mina is going to pop in again." The hybrid replied as the other guys laughed at their friend's attempt at changing the subject before they all left.

A few minutes later, the guys had met up with the girls outside the dorms.

"About time you guys got out here. We've been waiting...well not for that long but still!" Mina said with a fake pout as the other girls laughed as Camie kissed Bakugo.

"Hey Bakubae. You feeling any better or do I have to heal that injury some more~"? Camie asked as Bakugo blushed.

"Not in front of everyone." He said as Kirishima and Kaminari chuckled until Mina and Jiro took each of their respective hands, shutting them both up.

"Um...Tsuyu?" Steven asked as he extended his arm to Tsuyu who blushed.

"Thank you, Steven. *Ribbit*" She said as she took the hybrid's arm as Mina couldn't control herself.

"Ahhh! You two are soooo cuuuute!!! Come on, let's start our day!!" She exclaimed as Izuku and Ochaco followed suit and joined hands as the group headed off into town to different stores and shops. Later they arrived at a Takoyaki stand for some lunch.

"*Ribbit* Hey Steven. Wanna try some of my Takoyaki?" Tsuyu asked as Steven nodded, giving Mina an idea as she looked at the other girls before taking a piece of her Takoyaki and holding it near Kirishima's mouth.

"Say "Ahh", Kiri." She said as Kirishima did as he was told and opened his mouth as Mina fed him the Takoyaki. Camie then did the same with Bakugo and then Jiro and Ochaco did the same with Kaminari and Izuku respectively.

"Well. I like trying new things, so..ahhh." Steven said as he opened his mouth as Tsuyu placed the Takoyaki in as the hybrid chewed and swallowed.

"Whoa. That was delicious. Thanks, Tsuyu." He said as Tsuyu blushed.

The day was going good and continued to go well. It seemed to fly by fast as the evening came almost in the blink of an eye. Soon the group was back at the dorms for the night.

"Well this was fun! See you boys tomorrow!" Mina said as she and the girls went inside their dorm as the guys headed back to theirs.

Next Chapter: A special match takes place. Steven go up against...well you'll just have to see for yourself!!! See ya next chapter!






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