Connie's Departure

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(Narrator's POV)

*Friday. 3 days before Steven's First day*

Steven and Connie stood hand in hand for a few more moments as Connie was about to leave Beach City. She had said her goodbyes to the Gems and her mother thanked Pearl for being her teacher and showing her how to defend herself if need be.

But now? She wanted Steven alone. It was just the two of them together as Connie tearfully looked at the boy who went from being her first friend to best friend to boyfriend. She loved Steven and leaving hurt her more than anything else ever had.

"I'll miss you so much, Steven. I know you'll do great at UA." She said as her voice cracked out of sadness as Steven hugged her and kissed her cheek.

"I'll miss you too, Connie. You'll do great wherever you go. And...who knows...maybe you'll even find another guy better than me." The hybrid said with a smile as Connie didn't want to let him go.

"I may find someone else. But they'll never be what you have always been to me. There's only one Steven Universe. No matter who I meet, they'll never replace you in my heart." She said as Connie's Mom wiped a tear away.

"Steven. Thank you so much for all you've done for my daughter. If it's any consolation, you're everything I'd ever want her to have in a boyfriend and I doubt she'll find anyone like you anytime soon. As her mother, thank you." Priyanka said with a smile as Steven opened the car door for Connie as the girl gave him one last kiss before he shut the door and watched as the Maheswaren family drove off into the distance.

Standing there for a few moments, Steven was silent and heartbroken even though he was doing his best to hide his pain as usual. He was trying to stay strong. He promised himself he would. But everyone who knew him best knew that he was masking a clearly broken heart. A habit that he had grown very efficient at, even at the cost of his own peace of mind.

No one knew what to say. And that bothered the Gems immensely since Steven always seemed to know what to say to them when one of them needed to be lifted up or encouraged. It was always when the hybrid needed them that they felt the most useless and unable to do or say what he needed to hear or even what he wanted to hear.

"Steven. If there's one thing you need to remember: Women are like the seasons. They come and go. But they always come back again. You'll see Connie again. That much you can be sure of, hon." Vidalia said as Greg looked at the woman and smiled sadly. The woman had clearly seen what was going on and spoke up when she saw he and the Gems were unable to say anything to ease Steven's mind.

*Why couldn't I say something like that? Why can't I be the parent Steven needs? Why is everyone else better at getting through to him than me?* Greg thought to himself.

"Steven. You know she wants you to be happy. You know how much she loves you. You start at UA on Monday. And you know Connie wouldn't want you going into your first day with this on your mind. So how about this: We have a little fun this weekend to take your mind off of this. You, me and Peridot hang out like we used to before all the chaos with Homeworld." Amethyst suggested as Steven smiled. He did miss hanging out with Amethyst and Peridot and had even made plans to set aside some time for them but nothing ever came of said plans.

"Alright. I miss hanging out with you guys like we once did. And you're right: Connie wouldn't want me feeling this way before my first day at UA. So let's hang out this weekend, Amethyst and Peridot." Steven said as Peridot hugged him.

"Yay!!!" She squealed as Steven hugged her back. It felt like she wanted to hug the sadness out of him. And honestly? It was working as he now had something to look foward to this weekend to get him into the right mindset before Monday.

So yeah: Connie is gone in order to put Steven with one of the UA girls. But as for who it'll be? Well we'll see later. Anyway, see ya next chapter!







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