Family Isn't Perfect

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(Narrator's POV)

"Tch. Why can't they just back off and leave me alone? Why does everyone always have something to say about whatever I do? If it isn't the Gems, it's Dad. And if it wasn't Dad, it was.... forget it. I just need to get to the classroom." Steven said to himself as he was still angry over the stunt Class 1-A had pulled earlier. So he was happy that he had arrived back at the classroom before everyone else.

Or so he thought. He saw two women in the classroom talking. One looked identical to Bakugo while the other had Izuku's features. These were likely their mothers.

"Hmm? Oh hello there. You are..?" Izuku's Mom said as she noticed Steven come in.

"I'm Steven. Are you two Bakugo and Izuku's Moms?" Steven asked as Bakugo's mom laughed.

"What gave us away? The amazing looks that both of them inherited from us?" She asked as Steven chuckled.

"Yes we are. It's nice to meet you at last, Steven. My name is Inko Midoriya. My son Izuku has mentioned you quite a few times. You've become quite a topic around here from what we've both heard from our respective sons." Izuku's Mom said with a smile that made Steven smile back despite his mood.

A mood that Bakugo's Mom picked up on.

"Steven. Don't take this the wrong way, but you have the look of someone who's upset with how life is due to it constantly kicking your ass." She said as Inko gave her a look.

"Do you have to be so LITERAL? Honestly, Mitsuki.." She began to say until Steven sighed.

"No. She's right. Life hasn't been kind to me. Especially lately when it comes to my own family. To be honest, I kinda envy Izuku and Bakugo now that I've met you two. At least...they have Moms who are there for them and don't expect the world out of them. And then make them feel like garbage when they don't deliver. And I bet you two are there for them and supportive when they need you at their best and worst. You two... wouldn't just leave them to the wolves and act like you never did..." Steven said, tears forming in his eyes as Inko hugged him.

"Steven. Is there something going on that you need to get off your chest? I know you just met us..but we're willing to listen." She said as Mitsuki nodded in agreement.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go off like that. I just...wish my family was like you two." Steven said as Mitsuki smiled.

"Listen. Katsuki and I have never had a perfect mother/son bond. I love him and he loves me. But we do argue a lot. And I'll admit that it's just as much my fault as it is his. I'm not the best parent by a long shot. I don't even qualify for the discussion. Parents aren't perfect, Steven. I'm a perfect example of that." She explained.

"As far as Izuku and I? I haven't always been supportive. Especially before he gained his quirk. To this day, I feel guilt for just giving up the way I did. To him, it may not be that way. But I wasn't as supportive as a I needed to be. That is my greatest mistake to this day as a parent: Not being as supportive as I needed to be when Izuku needed it most." Inko said as Steven's mind went back to Pearl and his Dad.

They were just like these two.

"Hmm? What are you two doing here, Aunt Inko?" A voice said as Bakugo came in with Izuku. The others hadn't caught up yet.

"Love you too, Katsuki. We came to pick you boys up. You both have physicals today at the same doctor, remember?" Mitsuki said as she hugged Bakugo and planted a kiss on his forehead as he grumbled and blushed but hugged her back as Inko and Izuku did the same.

Looking at them and after hearing what Inko and Mitsuki told him, Steven was now considering a lot of things. If Bakugo and Izuku still had good bonds with their mothers even after all he was told happened....

Then could he do the same with the Gems?

"Hey Steven. Where are you going? We're all sorry about earlier. Tsuyu and Mina wanted to talk to you...." Izuku said as Steven simply shook his head.

"I've got something to take care of. I'll meet you guys back at the dorms later." Steven said as he headed off to the Warp Pad...

A little while later..

Amethyst looked at an old picture of her, Steven, Garnet and Pearl. All the Purple Gem could think of is how Steven was fed up with them at this point. And who could blame him for how he felt? Sighing, the Purple Gem simply drank a soda but even THAT didn't have any flavor to it anymore with all that was on her mind.

Because all she enjoyed. She knew she was able to enjoy it because of the very person who she and the others had driven to his breaking point.

Soon, Pearl and Garnet came in and saw Amethyst slumped on the couch.

"Amethyst. Could you PLEASE stop moping? I'm upset as well after the argument. Even more so since we haven't heard from Steven since it happened. But we can't tell him how to feel. We've..done that for years already. And look what it's led to." Pearl said as Amethyst glared at her.

"Excuse me? Who was it that couldn't pull her head out of Rose's ass for long enough to see how it was affecting Steven? It certainly wasn't me. Oh and you Garnet? Remember when you told Steven that whole "No More Secrets" line? Oh how quickly you went back on that. And would you look at what it led to: Blue Diamond kidnapping Greg!" The Purple Gem snapped as Garnet had to hold Pearl back from leaping at Amethyst.

"I'm going to let that go because you're right. That was my fault. I was letting my own fear dictate my actions. And Steven trusted me even less as a result. The more I think of moments like that...the more Steven's words hurt because they ring so true. It seems like all we've done is make his life harder. And now with Connie gone...." Garnet said tearfully as the Warp Pad went off...

"Guys? Are you here?" Steven asked as the Gems looked and saw him. Neither side was quick to speak. But once their eyes met.

"I/We just wanted to say.... I'm/We're sorry." All 4 of them said in unison as Steven smiled at the Gems who smiled back.

"What are you apologizing for, Steven? We're the ones who pretty much failed in being what you needed us to be. We let you suffer so much and..." Amethyst began to say.

"And despite it all, I still love you guys. Even after all the mess we've been through together and all I've dealt with...all of it is worth it knowing you 3 are still here." Steven said.

"But why? Why do you love us so much, Steven?!? Look at what we've put you through! All we've done to hurt you! How can you still love us?!? Especially me?!? I've done the exact opposite of what your mother wanted me to do all because I couldn't let her go!! All I've done is hurt you! How..why?!? Why do you still love us the way you do?!?" Pearl sobbed as Steven tearfully smiled.

"Because I do. You're my family. It's just that simple. I don't need a reason to love you guys other than that. And... everything I've gone through over the years... I'd go through it all again if it meant you 3 are here each time after each bad moment. As long as I have you 3 and Lapis and Peridot and Bismuth and Dad...all of what I've put up with is worth it. It's all been worth it." The hybrid said tearfully as he embraced the 3 Gems.

"We love you too, Steven. More than you'll ever know. And we're sorry for all of what we've caused you to go through." Garnet said tearfully as Steven simply smiled and said:

"I forgive you."

Steven reconciles with the Gems after a talk with Mitsuki and Inko.

Lesson: No Family is Perfect. There is no such thing as perfect parents. Inko, Mitsuki and The Gems and Greg are examples of this.

And through it all, as much as they may anger us or make us hate them, accepting the imperfections of our families will allow us to heal. That's what Steven learned here.

Anyway, we head back to UA next chapter! See ya then!





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