Copycat Knockout/All Might's Advice

491 14 3

(Narrator's POV)

The next day, Steven woke up and got into his UA uniform. It was a hard night of sleep as memories of Connie haunted his dreams. Everything. The day they met, all the times they had together, their first kiss. It seemed as if all of it ran through Steven's mind in the span of a single night and it made sleeping next to impossible.

But somehow the hybrid had gotten enough sleep to function the next day as he went downstairs. He didn't have an appetite and that worried Pearl and the others.

Grabbing an iced coffee he kept in the fridge for days like these when he didn't have the stomach for breakfast, Steven headed to the Warp Pad.

"Steven. I talked to Star and Stripe yesterday. She mentioned something about UA having dorms for the students to stay in just in case they don't feel like going home. I think it would be a good way for you to socialize with your classmates. They barely know about you, from what I hear." Garnet said as Steven sighed.

That was probably for the best. He already had enough on his mind with seemingly no outlet for it. Why would he add yet another pile of stress onto it?

"Garnet....I'll think about it, OK? I have to get to class." Steven replied as Pearl smiled.

"We love you, Steven. Try and have a good day. And remember: Connie may be gone, but you are not alone. She'd want you to be happy even without her." The Pale Gem said as Steven smiled back.

"I love you guys too. I'll see you later." He said as he warped away to Japan.


"Hey Izuku. You all. Mind if I ask you a favor?" Star and Stripe asked as she approached the Class 1-A group.

"Sure, Star and Stripe. What do you need us to do?" Ochaco asked as Star and Stirpe sighed.

"Steven's a bit late today. All of you keep an eye on him today. I talked to his family and he lost someone very close to him and while he won't say it, it's hurting him a lot. So please be considerate of him." She asked as Izuku and the others gasped.

"Oh no. Poor Steven. We'll keep an eye on him, Star and Stripe. You can count on us." Mina said with a smile as Star and Stripe smiled.

"Thank you all. I better be going." She said as she walked away as the 1-A crew headed to the classroom, unaware that they had been listened in on by Neito Monomoa, who waited until they were out of earshot to utter a chuckle as Steven soon arrived.

"Class must have started. I better get going." He said as he walked to class, only to have Monomoa step in front of him and extend his hand.

"Neito Monomoa. You're the new guy, right?" He asked as Steven just gave him a look before walking past him, causing Neito to chuckle before he stopped him by putting his hand on the hybrid's shoulder.

"Wow. Rude much? Did you treat that friend of yours who's dead now the same way?" He asked as Steven then felt himself getting angry and his skin began to turn Pink as Izuku, Ochaco, Momo and Mina came out just in time to see what was going on as Monomoa laughed.

"Ha! Don't know if you know, but I have a quirk that lets me copy any other quirk! So let's see how you like having yours used against--" He began to say until...



Everyone looked on in shock as Steven had gone Fragmented Form(though this was new to everyone else) as he glared at the now whimpering Monomoa!

"W-What?!? Why can't I use your quirk?!? What are you?!?" He cried as Steven grabbed him by the collar before slamming him into the nearby locker.

"Your worst nightmare." Steven growled as he lifted Monomoa up....


And knocked him out cold with a punch as Aizawa came out along with Mirio and All Might to see what was going on.

"What's going on here?" Mirio asked. But before anyone could ask...

"Neito started it. He brought up Steven's dead friend just so Steven would fight him and he could try and copy his quirk." A voice said as Shinso spoke up. He had seen the whole thing go down.

"Ah. Well then: Steven. Come with me. The rest of you go to class now." All Might said as Steven followed the man.


"I figured Monomoa was behind it. You don't seem like a troublemaker, Steven. Anyway, it's over here." All Might said as he led Steven to a building.

"What is this place?" The hybrid asked as All Might sighed.

"I talked to Star and Stripe. She informed me that she had a long talk with your Aunt that she's friends with. Miss Garnet, I believe? Both of them agree that after the loss of your friend, maybe staying in the dorms will help you move on. It would be much healthier than going back to your home every day and being haunted by memories of what could have been done or regrets about what was never said." All Might explained.

"You sound like you're speaking from experience." Steven said as All Might smiled.

"I've lost a lot in my life, Steven. If there's one lesson I can impart to you during your time here at UA, it's to not let being a hero encompass your life. It will take everything from you. You will lose sense of who you are. The hero will become the person while the person will seem like the one behind the mask. It's not a good feeling and I do not wish it on anyone. So please: I'm not saying you have to spend all of your time here. But it is a good way to unwind with your fellow classmates." All Might explained as Steven smiled.

"I'll think about it." The hybrid said as the two headed back to the academy.

Monoma finds out why making Steven mad is never a good idea!

See ya next chapter!






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