When Good Intentions Go Wrong

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(Narrator's POV)

The next day at UA, the group once again found themselves in the gym for training since the Sports Festival was less than a week away and Mirio had made sure each of the combatants were in top shape for the competition.

However, while Steven was physically ready for the tournament and his first round match against Burnin, his mental outlook was another story due to his mind still on his family and the argument he had with them where he essentially told them how done he was being their therapist. And considering that his willingness to understand them was what got them through so much, then it no doubt struck a heavy blow to them. And while the hybrid wasn't bothered by it at first, it was beginning to eat at him.

Then again, there was a part of him that stopped the thought from eating at him too much. And that part was the fact that he put his foot down and stood up to them. And the satisfaction he felt from doing so.

"So with a less than a week before the Sports Festival tournament, I figure today will be a bit of free training. In other words, take this time to tweak on any remaining areas you think need improving before the tournament." Mirio said as Kirishima then stood up.

"Actually, Mirio. I have a suggestion and it's something a couple of us talked about before class. I think we should have a little one on one duel between two of us that are competing. And a couple of us want to see Steven vs Izuku." He said as the class was interested in this.

"Hold on. What do you mean you guys talked about this? Who's idea was this anyway?" Steven asked in annoyance as Tsuyu spoke up.

"*Ribbit* It was mine. Remember when we both agreed there would be no more secrets? Well a couple of us came up with an idea: You and Midoriya-Chan. If you lose? You have to be honest with us, Steven. No more hiding anything about yourself." She said as Steven looked at everyone. He couldn't believe this was happening. But then again, with how secretive he'd been about his own life, he should have seen it coming.

"Actually? That sounds interesting. This is actually a match I'd love to see and a possible preview of the finals." A voice said as All Might, Midnight and Star and Stripe came in along with Aizawa. Now the pressure was on big time.

"Well then it's settled. Steven! Izuku! The both of you to the center of the Gym." Mirio exclaimed as Steven and Izuku took their respective sides of the gym as they prepared to face each other.

"Hey. No hard feelings, right Steven? This was all on Tsuyu, Kirishima and Mina. I had nothing to do with this..." Izuku said with a smile as Steven just gave him a "Never have I heard such bullshit" look.

"Ready? BEGIN!!" Mirio exclaimed as Izuku charged right at Steven who simply blocked before twisting Izuku's arm and flipping him to the ground. But Midoriya was soon back on his feet as he tried to sweep Steven's legs only for the hybrid to jump.

Izuku rolled back to a standing position as Steven landed resulting in a standoff between the two as everyone looked on.

"This is good from the start!" Mina said excitedly as Midnight chuckled.

"Yes but you can tell they're both holding back. It's only just begun."  She said as the fight continued.

"DETROIT SMASH!!!" Izuku yelled...


Everyone gasped as Steven's shield completely blocked the attack as the hybrid smirked at Izuku who smirked in reply before going back on the attack.

"Manchester SMASH!!!"  Izuku yelled as he brought his leg downward towards Steven who then summoned his barrier and not only blocked the attack but bursted it and sent Izuku flying off to the outside of the stage, causing a ring out and making Steven the winner!!

"Whoa!!! Talk about an upset!! The winner is Steven!!" Mirio exclaimed as everyone cheered. Even Aizawa cracked a rare smile.

"Well Star and Stripe. I see what has you so interested in Steven. However, let's see what happens at the Sports Festival, hmm? I think he and Izuku learned a lot about each other. So assuming they both make the finals, you know it'll be for real when the both of them aren't holding back." Midnight said as she walked out.

"Well done, Steven! To beat Izuku even in a simple setting like this is still very impressive." Aizawa said.

"Yeah but come on: Neither of them were trying. They were holding back! Gah I can't wait for the Sports Festival!!" Kirishima said as Steven gave him and the others a look.

"Well. I won. That means your little plan to get me to talk backfired. I already have enough on my mind after what happened with that argument. I don't need any more stress. Least of all from someone who keeps saying they're my friend but does all these underhanded things behind my back all because they can't leave well enough alone!!" The hybrid snapped as he stormed out the gym.

"Uh guys...I don't think this was a good idea. I know we want to learn more about Steven but this was just low." Kirishima said sadly.

"What did he mean by argument? Did something happen?" Mina asked as Star and Stripe sighed.

"He got into it with his family. He went off on them and really let them have it. From what I understand, it stemmed from when he brought you to meet them, Tsuyu. And while Garnet isn't upset, I will say that you were out of line to say what you said to her and the rest of Steven's family. Your words caused a lot of dissension among them." She said as Tsuyu looked sadly at Mina.

"All I will say is this: While Burnin, Mineta and Neito have openly harassed Steven, you all have only made his time here stressful with how much you've gone out of your way just to poke and prod at him over things that are by all rights matters he is not obligated to talk about." Aizawa said as Class 1-A looked ashamed of themselves.

"You're right. All this time we've wanted to get to know Steven. So we can all become friends. But all we've done is push him away. And now he probably hates us. Tch. Man I feel like crap." Kirishima said sadly as All Might spoke.

"Well then. You all know what you have to do. As for Steven? Let him cool off for now and collect his thoughts. I feel that's what he needs right now." He said.

"Well. On that note: Class Dismissed." Mirio said as everyone left.

How will Class 1-A make up for this? We'll check on Steven next chapter as he runs into two people who make him consider some things. Who are they? What are the things he considers? See ya next chapter to find out!





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