Moving On From Her/Burnin' Bet

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(Narrator's POV)

"Huh? Where am I?" Steven asked himself as he woke up on a beach. There was a picnic blanket and on it was Connie wearing a white dress. Her hair had grown longer again and was flowing in the sea breeze. She may have been dead, but she truly looked like she had been remade as an angel.

"Hey Steven." She said to the bewildered hybrid who was speechless.

"C-Connie? But you're...dead. How are you here in front of me?" Steven asked as Connie smiled.

"I am. This is a dream. You're still asleep in the boys dorm at UA. I just wanted to see you since I didn't get to before I died. I want you to know that I love you and always will. But you need to move on without me. Your heart still hasn't moved on yet. It still cries for me. And I don't want that." She said as Steven looked at her.

"You were the first girl....I ever really loved, Connie. That isn't something I just get over. were my connection to my humanity. Yeah, I still have Dad were special to me. You...just meant so much to me." He said as Connie put a finger to his lips.

"Shh. You meant so much to me as well, Steven Universe. But you need to accept that I'm gone. It will be hard as loss normally is. But I know you'll find someone. In fact, I believe there's already someone at UA who may be able to heal your heart. Her name is Tsuyu, isn't it? Go to her, Steven. Let her heal you. Don't carry the pain of my memory in your heart forever. That is my final request." She said as Steven smiled.

"Connie....I will. I'll miss you. I love you." He said as the dream began to fade.

"I love you too, Steven Universe. I'll always be watching over you." She said as the last thing Steven saw was her smile as he began to wake up....

*Back in reality*

"Steven? Wake up, man. Come on! They're posting the brackets for the Sports Festival. Let's go see who's facing who!" Kirishima exclaimed as Steven groaned and woke up. But he was smiling.

"Huh? Heh. Had a good dream, Steven?" Izuku asked as Steven simply chuckled.

"Yeah. You could say that. Anyway, let's go see those brackets." The hybrid said as he got up and quickly got dressed before leaving with his friends.


"There you guys are! They just posted the brackets! Come check them out!" Momo said as the girls had already arrived as Steven and the other boys looked at the brackets.

"Whoa! It's Midoriya and Todoroki in the first round and first match! That's followed by Momo vs Kaminari! Then the second half is me vs Urakaka and then Steven vs Kamiji!" Kirishima exclaimed as Steven chuckled.

"So I got Burnin in the first round? Nice." The hybrid said as he had drawn his rival for the first round.

"*Ribbit*You'll beat her, Steven. I know you will." Tsuyu said with a blush as Steven smiled as the others looked on.

"They are so cute! Ah just ask her to be your date for the Ball, Steven!" Mina said quietly until Momo elbowed her.

"Looks like Steven is gonna make the first move." Izuku said as Steven looked at Tsuyu.

"Hey Tsuyu. I wanted to ask you if--" He began to say until Burnin came up with Mineta.

"Hey! I saw I got you in the first round!" She snapped as Steven gave her a look.

"Yeah. That means it won't last long. I'm going to beat you, Burnin. I won't lose to you." The hybrid said as Burnin laughed before Mineta whispered in her ear.

"Alright then! How about a little wager: If I beat you in the first round, not only does Mineta go with Frog face there to the Ball, but you will be MY date!" She said as Steven, Tsuyu and the others were outraged.

"What the hell, Kamiji?!? What are you playing at?!?" Mina snapped in uncharacteristic anger as Burnin chuckled.

"What's wrong with a little wager? All's fair in love and war, right? Besides, if you're so confident, then you've got nothing to worry about." She replied as Steven looked at Tsuyu who nodded as if to say "You've got this.".

"I accept your wager, Burnin." Steven said as Mineta got a look of pure bliss on his face.

"Yes!!! My precious Tsuyu, I shall prepare for our night together after the Sports Festival! And you better not keep Burnin waiting, new guy! She's too good for you, to be honest!" He exclaimed as Steven looked ready to punch him but was stopped by Tsuyu.

"Hahaha! Well then, I'll be waiting, Steven! Don't be late picking me up after the Sports Festival!" Burnin said as she mockingly blew a kiss at Steven as she and Mineta left.

"The nerve of her!! She did that on purpose! Ugh I can't even---" Mina ranted until Steven spoke.

"Mina. I just have to beat her. It's that simple." The hybrid said as the group headed to class.

Connie's last wish is for Steven to move on. Will it be Tsuyu who helps him do so? See ya next chapter!






Starlight(SUXMy Hero Academia)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora