Only to see that Dominic, William and Christian are standing behind me.

I relax a bit but then remember Cynthia.

"Wait you guys left Cynthia?" I ask.

"We told rose to watch over her. She's sleeping." Dominic says.

"What happened?" Christian asks.

"She ran into the bathroom and started throwing up and then she started shaking and crying in pain. Then she passed out." I say shaking my head.

I look at them and They are staring at Amelia from the window.

I look at Amelia through the window and she looks even worse than last I looked at her.

Her hair sticking to her face because of the sweat and blood started to pool out of her mouth.

The nurses notice and begin to wipe away the blood.

I barge into the room and try to come and sit next to Amelia just the nurses push me back.

They said I can't be here. I walk out of the room feeling defeated.

The doctor walks out after checking what's wrong with Amelia and says. "Looks like she's been poisoned. She's in a really hard place right now and she might be in a come for a few days. I don't know if she went in a coma, when she will wake up. But let's all hope for the best."

My heat sank to my feet. She's been what?

I turn to Dominic and I see that he's already on the phone.

"Check all the CCTV footage. From the beginning of the party today. If you see anyone sneaking something in the food call me." He says then hangs up.

Who would possibly want to hurt Amelia? She's the sweetest, most loving person ever.

I frown and teats started pooling in my eyes. Begging to fall down.

At this point it doesn't matter if I look 'manly'.

I might lose Amelia.

I sit down on the chair next to the room Amelia's staying in and I put my face in my hands.

And I let my tears fall.

I feel Dom, Chris and Will sit next to me on the chairs.

They are all quiet but I know they are worried sick about Amelia.

Dominic's phone rings and he immediately picks up.

His face turns into an angry scowl and he hangs up.

"It was Eva. She put the poison in Amelia's piece of cake." He says quietly.

She's not surviving me this time. Not after hurting Amelia.

I swear to God and sweet baby Jesus I will kill Eva. Even if that means my mom would be depressed.

I pull out my phone and call Corbin.

"What's up?"

"I need you to send one of my men to kill Eva. Remember her. My ex girlfriend. Yeah I need her dead by this morning."

"Yes boss."

Then I hang up.

I walk over to the doctor and ask. "What are the chances of her surviving this without going into a coma?"

"Rare. But still possible. Like 15 percent." He says looking at the results of Amelia's tests.

"Will she be okay?" I ask.

"Yes. I don't think death is very likely. Since you brought her here on time, The poison didn't have time to do any serious harm."

"Can I go in now?" I ask.

"Yes. You can but only one at a time. Too much disturbance won't be good for her." He says then walks away.

I open Amelia's room door and grab a chair that was next to her and sit on it.

I hold her hand and squeeze it.

She has told me before that she was able to hear me while being unconscious.

So I talk to her.

"Amelia. I have good news for you. If you were awake I knew you would dance in joy. And I'm sure you will be awake soon just don't give up on fighting baby please."

I take a deep breath and continue.

"I just ordered Corbin to kill Eva. She was the one who poisoned you. And thats why you are here right now. I can't let her go without a punishment. She has to pay for almost killing you. And I will make her pay. She will be gone by the morning. Can you please wake up so we can celebrate together? That would mean the world to me... I'm by your side Amelia. Always remember that. No matter what. I will always be by your side and on your team." I say. Laughing a little at the last sentence while the tears in my eyes form again.

She's strong! She will survive this. Just like she always does in hard situations. Situations were I can't do anything and she has to help herself. That's why she's amazing. That's why she's my love. And always will be. She's my bright light.


I'm not crying you are.

Sorry. This chapter is abnormally short of me but I wanted to separate it from the next one.

Not edited


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