Chapter 37 : Summer Vacation Arc I

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JULY 31. 2018.

"Onii-chan, I'm heading out~"

Honoka announced as she exited through the front door. 

"You should go visit your friends as well, Dai-chan."

Daisuke's mother slyly remarked as Daisuke laid on the living room floor, staring blankly at the ceiling.  

The boy sat up as he began to stretch his limbs out.  

"Yeah, yeah...I hung out with a friend yesterday, though...."

His mother sighed.  

"Uesugi-kun is a nice boy, but I'm talking about Miku-chan, and that girl who came to the shop in that weird get-up.  Y'know...the star hairpins?"

Daisuke flinched before he scratched the back of his head with a light blush as he responded with a hum.

"As a matter of fact...," Mrs. Tokugawa walked towards her son and shoved a box into his chest.

"Why don't you take this cake and visit them, hm?"

Daisuke sweatdropped.  "Um..."

His mother grew a slightly irritated face as she looked towards her son.  "Um...?"

The color on his face were blown away as he quickly stood up with the cake, "I-I'll be heading out then, bye, love you!"

A sweet smile appeared on her face.

"Bye~  Have fun!"


"It's so hot~"

Yotsuba exhaled while sitting with her legs spread.  (Halt, you fiends...)

Nino entered the room, "Hey, I wanna go to the beach."

Miku sighed, "There you go again..."

A distressed Itsuki looked over to them.

"Going to the beach is fine and all, but what are we gonna do about this?"

This, referring to the paper in front of her, which was a notice that their contract for the apartment was going to be cancelled, as the building was set to be demolished.

"What can we do about it?  It's not like we have any choice, we'll have to find a new place to live."  Nino calmed her down.

"In any case, we should just wait until Ichika finishes her call."

"We still have half a year until we have to go...though that means it'll be in the middle of exam season...I don't even want to think about that right now..."

They stayed quiet for a few seconds.

"Even though we've only been here for a short while, there's still a lot of memories here, huh?"

Nino smirked, "True...I wonder if we have any preparations for our move?"

Itsuki perked up, "Oh!  I'll let Ichika know."

"We need to let Fuutarou and Daisuke know too," Miku said.

"We haven't seen them all summer, huh?"

"I want to see Fuutarou...and Itsuki, you want to see Daisuke, too, right?"  Miku pointed her question to the youngest, who promptly blushed.

"H-Huh?  I-I don't know what you're talking about," she stuttered as she made her way to the door, and the rest of her sisters chuckled at her.

'I don't know if I could face him after...that.'


She stopped after hearing Ichika still on the phone.

"Yes, because I won't be in the picture anymore.  It'll just be the four sisters from now on."  She said, as Itsuki stood, frozen from what she heard.

She snapped out of it when she heard a voice, a voice that made her dash back into the house.

"Yo, Ichika."

Daisuke walked towards her with an ice cream in one hand, and the box of cake on the other.

"Have you been doing well?"

Ichika looked over to him.

"O-Oh, Daisuke!  I've been doing great!  You?"

Daisuke found her attitude a bit strange, but shrugged it off.

(Acting +1)

"I've been doing good.  I finished my summer work early so now my mom kicked me out of the house and told me to visit you guys."

He held up the box of cake.  "Hence the cake."

Ichika put her hands behind her back as she leaned forward.

"Oh wow, thanks!  You can head up, the door shouldn't be locked."

He nodded, "Gotcha."

He headed up the stairs and stood in front of the door, before grabbing the doorknob and...failing to open the door.

"Um--Ichika?  Is your door one of those weird 'pull' ones?"

"Huh?  What're you talking about?"

"I uh...can't open the door.  It's locked."

"What?"  Ichika said as she herself made her way upstairs.  She tried to turn the knob herself only to find it wouldn't budge.

"Huh...," she knocked on the door.  "Guys?  Can you open the door?"

Meanwhile, on the other side of the door, Itsuki was trying her best to not let her sisters unlock the doors, as she told them to shush, and answered, "U-Uh...we can't right now!"

Ichika tilted her head.  "Why not?"


Ichika sighed.  "Come on guys, Daisuke came over!"

The mention of the boys name only brightened Itsuki's flushed face, while it only made the second eldest smirk.

"Sorry, Ichika!  I lost my textbook so let me find it and then I'll open the door!"

Daisuke tilted his head.  "Textbook?  Oh, are you guys studying?  If you want I could help out-"


Itsuki exclaimed from the inside, as Daisuke froze in his place.


Ichika glared at the door.  "Itsuki..."

Daisuke raised a hand as he stopped her.

She stopped speaking as Daisuke gave her the cake.


She saw him look up at her with comical tears.

"I wanna die, so I'm heading home..."

"Sure...but don't die..."

He nodded before he sluggishly walked down the stairs.

'I knew it...she hates me...'

'Sorry, heart isn't ready!'


Not gonna lie, this might be the final arc in this story.  I was, of course, going to try and cover everything that has not yet been animated, but from my perspective, I think this is the best place for everything to go down.

Special chapters will come out after that, though I don't have a timetable for that. 

(Yes, user syther78, this means that there will be a special Miku alternative one-shot chapter where everything goes well for our guy Daisuke with his love for Miku.  Just for you, ;D)

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