Chapter 7 : Special!

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It feels weird coming out with a Halloween chapter when it's not close to being Halloween at all, but the timeline calls for it!  Anyways, enjoy!  ...also thanks for 800 reads!!


OCTOBER 24. 2017.

"Wait--Daicchi?!"  Daisuke turns and faces Saito.  "Hm?"

"When did you get piercings?!"

This catches Ina's attention as she looks up from her phone and looks at Daisuke, quickly noticing the singular piercing he had on his left ear.  

"Tokugawa-san, I didn't know you had pierced your ears."  She stated.

Daisuke furrowed his eyebrows before realizing what they were talking about.

"Oh, these?  These are magnets.  My mom's friend made me try them on and then told me to keep them."

Saito's excitement was shot down quick.  "Oh..."

He chuckled at the obvious disappointment.  "Truthfully, I'd actually like to pierce my ears-"

She shot back up immediately, "Oh- I can help you with tha-"

He raised his hand to interrupt her, "-But, my mom isn't a fan.  So I settled for these magnets."

Saito slumped back down as Ina stared closely at the magnets on his ear.  "Well, they do make you look cool.  That probably won't help with how some people view you as a delinquent, though."

A frown appeared on his face as he wasn't pleased at the thought of others viewing him as a delinquent.  "Why do they view me as a delinquent anyways?  I don't really think I look like one...?"

'Though I guess there are things that tick me off...'  He contemplated in his head.

Saito's energy seems to have returned to her as she sports a devious grin.  "Hey, Daicchi..."  His only response was a nervous smile, "How about we try and make you look like one?"

His nervousness disappears immediately.  "What?  No."

"Oh, come on!  Why not?!"

He shakes his head, "It's not Halloween or anything, and I don't wanna look like some kinda shady gangster anyway."

"Halloween's coming up, though?"  Ina's blunt voice pierces through Daisuke's heart as Saito jumps in the air.

"Yes!  It's decided then.  Daicchi, for Halloween, we're gonna dress you up as a gangster!"


"And that's what happened."  Daisuke replays the events of this morning to Jun as they headed to work.

"I don't know why you're so against the idea of dressing up as a delinquent anyways.  I remember you being really pissed off at a customer once..."  Jun chuckled and kept a small grin as he responded.  "Isn't Halloween on a school day as well?  So you're gonna turn up to school looking like a rejected loner who picks fights...?  Pft!"  He couldn't contain his laughter at the thought.  

His friend shook his head after being reminded of the rude customer he once had to deal with.  "Of course not.  They're gonna make me 'transform'  afterschool, so it won't be like it'll be for long."

Jun grin dies down a little at this.  "Aw, man...what a waste..."

Daisuke only shook his head again as they continued walking.  After a few minutes, an idea suddenly came to Jun.

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