Chapter 30 : Prep Day

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APRIL 24.  2018.

"Good morning, Oichi, Ina!"

A chirpy Daisuke called out to them from his shoe locker.  The two girls stood still at the entrance, looking at him with a great deal of confusion.  His attitude had turned a complete 180 compared to what it was yesterday.

"G-Good morning...are you okay?  You seemed pretty sluggish yesterday."

Ina asked, and he looked over and lightly sighed.  He faced them completely and brightly smiled.

"Oh, that?  I was busy studying for the mock exams, so don't worry about it."

He turned to walk away, but stopped and quickly turned back around and gave the two a long, tight hug, and the two were extremely taken aback.  When he let go of the hug, he swiftly positioned himself in a deep bow.  When he raised up from the bow, he looked at them with a bashful look as he scratched the back of his head.

"Thank you guys for worrying about me, and I'm sorry for making you guys worry in the first place."

He gave them a warm smile before finally turning to walk away.

After he left, the two girls remained at the entrance, stunned by his actions and words.  As Saito turned to face Ina, she saw that she was deep in thought.

"The mock exams...?"

Saito perked up as she pointed up.

"Didn't he do pretty good actually?"

Ina hummed in confirmation.

'Top 10...incredible.'

She looked at the direction he left, in deep thought.


"Hey, Fu-kun...," Nino started.  "Can we talk about something?"

'Fu-kun' shook his head.  "Not yet, we're still missing Tokugawa, so ask when he arrives."

Speaking of the devil, Tokugawa, as soon as Fuutarou uttered those words, arrived at the school library, panting semi-heavily as he put his things down and sat at the table.

"Sorry for being late, Student Council needed help."

Fuutarou sighed.  "Your inability to say no reminds me all too much of Yotsuba, really..."

Despite looking disappointed in Daisuke, Fuutarou was actually incredibly relieved that he had returned back to normal.  He wasn't sure if he could really handle another day where Daisuke looked as down as he was.

"Oh, I can say no, it's just a shame that I have one weakness..."

He posed like one of those prince's from the manga his sister reads.

"Boo- GUH!"

Itsuki had elbowed him in the gut while the rest of the group looked on in amusement.

" was just a joke..."

Daisuke muttered as he held his ribcage and laid his head on the table.  Fuutarou looked at him before directing a question at him.

"You seemed pretty tired yesterday...are you sure you're good for today?"

Itsuki nodded next to him with a concerned look on her face.

Daisuke raised his head.

"Oh, that?  I just got burnt out on studying."

Nino tilted her head.

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