Chapter 9 : Camping Trip - Day 2 (Part 1)

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"Onii-chan, the doctors said mom was healthy enough to reopen the bakery!!  Hurry and quit at Leblanc so you can help Mom...please :3 - Honoka <3"

It was the morning the next day when Daisuke read the text from his sister.  He was already sitting on the bus as he had been the first one to be awake and get ready, besides the teachers.  Ms. Miko allowed him to get on the bus early and wait for everyone else, and he decided to take her up on her offer.  He sat at the window seat at the second-to-last row of the bus, with the window to his left.

The truth was that he didn't manage to really get a good rest as he woke up incredibly early.  He had decided to take a walk around the inn before Ms. Miko caught him walking out of the bathroom before telling him to get ready and sent him to the bus.

He quickly sent a text to his uncle notifying him of his mother's condition before plugging in his earbuds and begin playing some music.

Play (if you want, of course) : Fukuhara Miho - LET IT OUT

He was elated at the news that his mom was allowed to reopen the bakery that his father had originally taken over from his own parents, and had been taking care of before he had passed 5 years ago.

As the song continues to play, more and more people start to crowd the bus.  He sees Ina and Saito walk in and sit at the seat across from his as he nods to acknowledge them.  

He looks away to face the window before feeling someone sit at the seat next to him.  He turns and is pleasantly surprised at the sight of a familiar Nakano to his right.  He sees Ina and Saito next to them with their eyes widened at the sight of her.

Saito quickly reaches over the aisle to give Nino a tight hug as Ina greets her.  

"I'm glad you were able to catch up with us, Nino-chan."

Nino hugs Saito back as she responds.  "I'm glad as well, Ina!  I'm at least looking forward to having a better ride to the camping site than I did to this inn."  She grimaces at her driving experience with her sisters and Fuutarou to the inn.

Daisuke only smiles softly at the reunion before turning back to the window, slowly placing his head onto it and closing his eyes, drifting into sleep.  Nino turns and notices him asleep, before also taking notice of the earbuds he had on.  After a few minutes of conversating with her two friends, she carefully reaches over and takes his left earbud and places it in her own left ear.  She smiles at the soft tune playing before turning to her friends once more, laughing heartily and having fun before they finally arrive.


They finally arrived at the camp site after an hour and a half of driving.  They were now being split into groups as they were to make their own curry and rice for lunch.  Nino demanded that Daisuke help her and the girls make the curry as the rest of the boys were supposed to be taking care of the rice.

"Wow, Nino.  You're so fast at chopping vegetables!"  Saito exclaims as she watches Nino cut the vegetables over her left shoulder.

The quintuplet only smirked before responding.  "I take care of the housework at home.  This is nothing."

'Our field trip has finally begun.'  She thinks to herself.

As they placed the curry pot on the stove, Nino spoke to Daisuke.  "Hey, Daicchi.  Can you go and pick up the rice from the boys?  It should be ready by now."

"Sure thing."  Daisuke walked towards where the boys were cooking the rice to find them goofing around and not keeping their eyes on the rice.  He looked around before finding the bald student he had a conflict with the night before.  He also sees a smaller student look at him with a sort of admiration in his eyes, but he elected to ignore him.  "Oi, is the rice ready?"

Eggman looked around to see who was speaking before finding Daisuke looming over him.  "Yeah, yeah, stay calm, man.  The rice is right here, and it's perfectly fine!"

Daisuke looks over his shoulder to take a peek at the rice to see it half burnt.  He sighed before taking the rice pot to the girls.  "Thanks."

Saito and Ina take one look at the rice before looking back at Daisuke, who only shrugged and pointed at the guys who were handling the rice.  Saito clenched her fists before rushing to them, with Ina following closely behind.

"I bet you guys were goofing off and didn't keep an eye on the rice, huh!?"

The bald headed student stuttered, flustered, before throwing out a response.  "N-No we didn't!  And besides, it's only a little burnt, so it's still edible!"

Saito, feeling angry that Nino's efforts would have been wasted because of the careless actions of the group, replied back, "But we made the most amazing curry ever!"

The hairless student could only throw out one last defense to save himself.  "This sort of thing would happen to anyone who's never done it before!"

The uncertainty grows in Saito's eyes as she turns to Nino.  "What should we do, Nino?"

Nino walks up and smiles dangerously with her eyes closed threateningly, clearly showing her displeasure at the situation.  She looks towards the group of boys before stating coldly, "We'll handle this ourselves.  So can you go check up on the curry?"

The words even send a chill down Daisuke's spine as the group of boys quickly agree with Nino before leaving to check on the curry.  

When the boys leave, Saito looks at Nino with hearts in her eyes.

"That was so cool!  The way you were all like, 'We got this, so leave us alone!' was awesome!"

Ina gave Nino a small smile before complimenting her also.  "You did a great job handling the situation, Nino-chan."

Meanwhile, Daisuke could only nervously chuckle as he scratched the back off of his head.

" I'll know to never piss you off...ever."

Nino smirked before pointing a knife(!) at him.

"You better not."



"...Can you put the knife down now?"

"Oh, right.  Sorry."




A little short chapter.  More to come!

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