Chapter 15 : Saving Private Yotsuba (Part 1)

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(for the next couple of chapters, I'm going to be trying to write from Daisuke's POV. The next chapters I found would be easier write in his perspective.)

DECEMBER 1. 2017.

I was currently at school, and I was busy talking with Saito and Ina, while also waiting for Nino to show up. It's been a day since the incident and I was looking to keep my promise to Fuutarou, and help Nino study when he can't.

It seemed Nino had other plans. She didn't show up.

I quickly texted Fuutarou, notifying him of her absence, and then put my phone back away.

'Did what happened yesterday upset her that much? That she didn't even want to give Fuutarou the chance to confront her about it?' I thought to myself.

These questions frequently wandered my mind and before long, the school day started, and then ended without me even realizing it.

"Bye, Daicchi!"

"Bye, Daisuke-san."

Ina and Saito said simultaneously as I waved them both goodbye. While packing up, I heard the buzz of my phone through the fabric of my bag, and I quickly took it out to see a message from Sumi.

"Senpai : Hello, Tokugawa-san. I found myself with some free time so I decided to text you. School should just be ending now, I hope you take the time to rest!"

I looked on to my phone with only one thought in my head.

'H-How formal..!'

I quickly type out a quick message and sent it to her.

"Me : Yo, senpai! School just ended, and I plan on heading to work, actually, but don't worry! I will rest up afterwards for sure."

Not even ten seconds pass before I receive a reply.

"Senpai : You better!!!"

I chuckle at the message before putting my phone away. As much as I'd have liked to keep texting her, I figured I shouldn't be taking too much of her time. She is a college student, after all.

As I made my way outside, I am greeted by the sight of Fuutarou running with the girls' track team as a thought quickly makes its way into my head.

'What the hell?! How envious....'

I quickly shake my head and compose myself before deciding to go and join him in whatever he was doing. As I made my way behind him, I began to hear him yell out questions towards Yotsuba, who I recognized by her tidy bunny-eared ribbon.

"What's the palace built by Louis XIV of France?!"

"Berlin Palace!"

I sweat dropped. 'It's the Palace of Versailles...'

"Who's the author of 'Run, Melos!'?!"

'Dazai Osamu. Easy.'

"Dazai Ryuunosuke!"


"What's the 4th element in the Periodic Table?!"


'It's Beryllium...what the hell?! She's almost got it!'

I continued to pace myself behind them before I saw Fuutarou trip and almost fall, before I managed to catch him.

"Watch yourself. Don't push your body too hard, especially if you're not someone who exercises much."

I saw Fuutarou turn and look at me.

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