Chapter 13 : A New Acquaintance

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Yo...chapter titles are hard.  Thanks for 3K!!

NOVEMBER 27.  2017.

It was just an ordinary Monday for Daisuke.  He woke up in the morning, ate breakfast, got ready for school.  During the day and until the afternoon he was at school, attending classes.  After classes he was meant to be working at Iori until 8, why the hell is he out with another dude afterschool?!



School had just ended, and Daisuke was packing his bags as he said goodbye to Saito and Ina as the two of them had already packed up and were ready to leave.  After finally wrapping up the last of his things into his bag, he got up and headed to the door, only to see a new obstacle in his way.

Uesugi Fuutarou.

They stood there, staring at each other for a few seconds.  Daisuke nervously chuckles and scratches the back of his ear.


No response.  He only continued to stare at Daisuke with this seemingly menacing glare, but the more Daisuke glanced the more he noticed that it seemed to be more of a tired look, rather than anything harmful.

"D-Do you need me for anything?"

Fuutarou sighs as he finally averts his gaze from Daisuke, and looks towards the ground.

"We have to talk."

Present Time

Daisuke and Fuutarou were sat at a table on the food court of the shopping mall, with Daisuke drinking a bubble tea, as Fuutarou sat with nothing.  The nerves haven't exactly left Daisuke yet, but he agreed to talk with him, as he was curious as to what Fuutarou needed from him.

"Uesugi-san, would you like a drink?  On me."

A shake of the head signals Daisuke that Fuutarou was okay, and he decided to keep drinking his own bubble tea as he waited for Fuutarou to speak.

"I-It's about Nino and Itsuki..."

The awkwardness in delivery almost made Daisuke chuckle.  It was clear to him that the number one student was not used to asking for help, or talking with another student in general, really, and while he found the delivery of his words amusing, the words themselves made him rather curious.  What about Nino and Itsuki?

"They're in the middle of a fight..."

"Huh?!  Why are they fighting?"  Daisuke, immediately shook by the news, starts to have scenarios fly in his head.

"Did Nino eat Itsuki's food without permission?  Did Itsuki's old fashioned tastes get on Nino's nerves?  Or was it..." he pauses dramatically, "The ghost?"


Fuutarou sits there, with a blank look on his face as he forces his hand to stay down, not allowing it to hit the surface of his forehead.

"No...they were fighting because they were arguing about me."


It was Daisuke's turn to sit there with a blank look.  A few seconds pass before he speaks again.

" they both like you, and since only one of them can have yo-"

"No.  That's not it.  Nino doesn't like me as her tutor, and did some pretty rude things, and Itsuki responded by...doing something really careless."

'...She hit her, didn't she?'

Daisuke nods and hums in response.  Fuutarou waits a bit, waiting for the advice that Daisuke will give him.


Fuutarou looks shocked.  "H-Huh?"

"So what?  What does that have to do with me?  I thought it was something more trivial, but it seems a bit personal for someone like me to just step in."

'T-This wasn't supposed to happen...'  Fuutarou thinks to himself.

"W-Well I mean...I was the cause of it, but I don't really know what to do."  He looks down towards the floor, and clenches his fist.  "I was hoping that you'd be willing to help, because I know they're both your friends.  They also speak highly of you, stating that you were someone who undoubtedly cares for his friends.  So..."

Fuutarou continued to sit with his fists clenched together, while Daisuke only continued to give him a somewhat blank look.  A sigh interrupts the deafening silence, as Daisuke begins to talk.

"Well," he starts.  "Itsuki isn't someone who strikes me as someone who is vengeful, and especially not towards her own sister, but she does seem like the stubborn type, which is normal for someone with siblings.  I wouldn't worry too much about her, she probably already feels bad."

He suddenly stops, and when Fuutarou looks at him, it seemed that he became a bit paler.  "As for Nino...she's evil.  Without a doubt.  If she doesn't like someone, her look at them screams that she thinks of them as less of even a worm.   If someone she didn't like kept bothering her, without a doubt she'd do something screwed up."

Fuutarou gulps at this, remembering how his first study session with the Nakano's went.

"Even then, I think with enough poking, she'd eventually be so fed up that she'd probably just tell you to get what you want to say out.  However, there is not a single part of me that believes she is truly angry at Itsuki.  It's more likely she's angry at the situation, and since you mentioned that the argument was about you and your position, it wouldn't surprise me if she held some ill-will towards you."

Daisuke takes a deep breath as he straightens up.

"In short, it's up to you to fix this."

Fuutarou's eyes widen as he looks at him.

"You're right when you say those two are my friends, but I can't be the one to fix the bridge between them, I wasn't involved.  It has to be you.  I'm willing to help you from the side, but ultimately, it's you who has to help them reconcile."

Daisuke gets up from his seats and bows to Fuutarou.  

"Well then...good luck."  He rises from the bow and gives him a small smile before walking away.

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