Chapter 24 《Hunting Palismen》

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Y/N's Pov

I breath in and out, sweat beading on my forehead.

  I clench my hands tighter together and punch the tree again.

  Blood blisters itself along my knuckles. 

 The pain sears through my body as I punch the hard bark of the tree. 

 I step back and breath out, deeply. 

 I grab bandages from the forest floor and wrap them around my hands.

  I walk out of the clearing, my chest heaving up and down. 

It has been many days since the fight with Hunter. 

 I clench my teeth together and continue walking, my feet feeling heavier. 

 I open the door to The Owl House and walk inside.

  Sitting down on the couch, I close my eyes. 

 It's been to many weeks without sleep and the eyebags have built up. 

 The saggy darkened purpley-grey, reminds me a little too much of Hunter.

  As the darkness closes in on me, someone jumps onto the couch next to me. 

 I open my eyes, annoyed, and look over to my side. 

 Luz looks directly at me, her grin wide and ecstatic.

  I look back at her, my eyes drooping with insomnia. 

 Amity kissed her on the cheek yesterday and she still hasn't stopped talking about it. 

 "What do you want?" I groan.  Luz bites her lip, knowing that she is annoying me "Well, it's not about yesterday?" her voice breaking at the edges.

 "Fine.  Tell me about it." my voice as stoney as my expression.

  "I'm getting my palisman today!" Luz shrieks, her happiness indefinite. 

 I sigh as I begin to smile "You're in luck, I'll be there with Eda." 

 Luz jumps up and starts dancing around, hopping madly up the stairs, twirling down the corridor, leaping into her room. 

 I draw out a long breath, closing my eyes. 

 My body shifts deeper into the couch, soaking in the comfort. 

 I let loose, enjoying the peaceful few minutes.  

They are quickly disturbed again as Luz storms downstairs again.

  "Come on, kids!  We don't want to be late!" Eda's voice rings around the kitchen.

  I pull myself off the couch, brushing down my waistcoat and pinstripe trousers.

  Eda pulls her fancy jacket on over her red dress, an attempt to look smart for the Hexside students.

  Before I rush off to my staff, I grab a metal chain.

  Yanking it hard, I pull forward a brass watch covered in dust. 

 I blow the dust off and clip the chain to my waistcoat pocket.

  I hop onto my staff and fly off after Eda. 

 Luz swings off the staff and drops down a couple inches onto Hexside grounds.

  She rushes off into the huge building, hurredly greeting her friends.

  Together, they rush off to the Grudgby field. 

 Eda flies down and I follow suit.

  We both walk calmly to the field, finding a large group of Hexside students.  

《Phobia》A Golden Gaurd x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ