Chapter 9 《I love him》

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Y/N's Pov 

"Shit.....", Em said, looking at her scroll, "I'm sorry, Y/N but Mom wants us back home."

  A couple minutes later, they flew off on their staffs.  It was sad to see them go, but at least it meant that the house was quiet again.

  Retracing my steps to where I was last time, I sit down, next to the Golden Gaurd.

  He tries to wave at me but fails awkwardly, seeing as his hands are tied behind his back.  

I feel bad for him.

  "I'm going to do something, okay?  Don't try to escape."

 I untie one of his hands and tie it to the metal bar next to him.  

It let him have one free hand.  

"Well,  thank you for that." he sounded honest, as he rubbed his wrists.  It made me smile "You're welcome." Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.

The conversation we started began hours back, the moon has now risen and everyone is asleep. 

 Watching the Golden Gaurd's sleeping body, I smile yet again. 

 I tie his hands behind his back, so he can sleep easier.  

"Goodnight." I say, before closing the kitchen door.  I hear a little goodnight mumbled from him and it makes my heart melt. 

 I love him.

I'm still awake, which is funny because I usually don't stay up so late.But, I am to happy celebrating my victories to notice how tired I am slowly becoming. 

 I was able to down next to the Golden Gaurd and talk easily to him.

  Getting over my fears are easy.  

I start to think about him.  I wonder if he's scared or sad, downstairs.  I don't want to leave him alone anyway. 

 I grab a blanket and walk quietly downstairs.  I silently open the door and see him asleep.  I close the door and walk carefully towards his sleeping body. 

 I lie down next to him and start untying his hands.  I think he deserves it. 

 I put the blanket over the both of us and lean my head on him. 

 Slowly, I begin to fall asleep.  It feels nice.

???'s Pov 

I wake to the ability to move around my hands.  

The lower part of my body feels warm and I look down to see a blanket.

  I also begin to feel a weight on my shoulder.  It was Y/N.  Their h/c hair was fanned out on my arm.  

They were still asleep.  I smiled at their sleeping body.

  They looked so calm when they slept.

  I took both my gloves off and began to stroke their head.  They seemed to almost wake everytime I stroked their head, but then they would lay still again.

  Y/N had shown me so much trust, it was nice to see them improving from their scared state.  I just had to keep their trust like this.  

They trusted me and I can't ruin it now by escaping.  

Where would the fun in that be?  

I'll tear us down at the closest. 

《Hiiiiiiiiiiii!  I hope you enjoyed this chapter.  I still have a lot of homework so the upload schedule will be messy.》

《Phobia》A Golden Gaurd x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu