Chapter 19 《Betrayal》

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Y/N's Pov 

Waking up, I find myself resting on the cold kitchen tiles. 

 My eyes feel wet from the tears.  I pull my tired body up and wince at my aching body.  

I must have gotten bad bruises from sleeping on the tiles. 

 Hunter blinks his sleepy eyes. 

 He's felt more comfortable taking off his mask at night now that we've grown closer. 

 I smile at him, my face aching.  

Even smiling hurts. 

 Pulling myself up, I walk to the kitchen door.

  Opening it, I walk to the hallway.  

The bare floor stings my feet with the cold.

  Shivering, I make my way to my room.

  I walk into my empty room, missing the presence of Emira and Edric.

  I pull a fluffy blanket onto my cold body and take in the warmth with a smile. 

 Ouch, that hurt again. 

 I sit down on my bed and sink into my bed. 

 I close my eyes and sink further into my sheets.

  My bruised body aches with the pain.  

I sigh and try to sleep for the rest of the night but the absence of my closest friends hurts me as much as my bruises.

  I clutch harder at the fuzzy blanket, in an attempt to gather as much warmth as I can. 

 I shiver even more, a result of the cold in my room.  

I wish Eda had left the fire on. 

 I yawn and shift around in my bed.  

Pressing my eyes harder together, I try to sleep. 

 The darkness does not come.  

I try to sleep but the thoughts of last night keep coming back to me.  

I stand up and look at myself in my mirror.

  My eyes are puffy from crying last night.  They're probably going to be even more puffy now. 

 Slumping down, I lean my head back and cry. 

 The tears roll down my cheeks and splash onto my arms.  I try to rub them away but they keep coming. 

 I sniffle and continue sobbing.  They sting at my eyes now, tears filled full of sadness.

  I clench my eyes shut and try my best to calm myself. 

 Standing up, I breath in and out, before finally brushing away the little tear drops. 

 My throat has gone raw, a result of my crybaby habits.

  Looking at myself in the mirror again, I realise that, my bandages are showing.  

The Grudgby shorts are a little too small.  

I bite my lip, in worry, about the bandages. 

 I don't want Hunter to worry and with my bandages showing, he'll probably worry even more. 

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