Chapter 18 《A Heartbreaking Find》

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Y/N's Pov 

Slowly, I open my eyes.

  Light pricks at them, stinging my vision.  

I roll over and nudge at Emira.  Looking up at her, I see that she's on her scroll.  

Emira notices that I'm awake and twists around to face me.  "I found the coolest thing ever, Y/N!" Emira shouts, in joy.  

I rub my eyes and look at her scroll. 

 The article Em found looks a lot like an old newspaper piece.  It blurs in my sleepy vision and I look closer.  It's only a photo of it, causing it to become harder to see.  I stare at it, trying to shift the sleep from my vision.

  Finally, I get some clarity on the picture.  The title of the newspaper shocks me.  It reads: Village Adolescent Cursed by Unknown.  The title scares me, furthermore is the article's picture.  It has a blurry figure on one side, holding a staff, a red glow bursting out from it.  On the other side, stands a person, their face shrouded by the blur.  They have their hands out, as if for protection.  

As Emira reads the rest of the article, her face pales.  "Y/N, you should read this." her voice shakes, as if the article holds too much for fear for her.  

I take Emira's scroll and begin to read.  As I continue reading, my faces changes into one of absolute shock.  If I read correctly, the article states that I was the one cursed!

  Sure, the name originally used in it is Ash Crawford but the physical description matches mine and the name could easily be fake.

  Emira taps me gently, her hands shaking. 

 She takes back her scroll and fiddles around for a while.

  Quivering, she hands me back her scroll.

  I look and see a less blurred version of the article photo. 

 My attacker stands as clear as day.  

It's Hunter.

Standing upright, I let the tears overflow in my eyes.

  Shaking, I point my finger at Emira.  "You!", I scream at her, feeling betrayed, "You just want to stop me from overcoming my fears!"

 Ed sits up, suddenly awakened by my screams. "Hey guys, calm down." Ed puts his hands between us, trying to break us apart.

  I shove him away and point at the door.  "Out." the seriousness in my voice is matched by my stoney expression.  

Emira grips her hands into fists and stomps downstairs and outside.  Edric follows after her.

  My fit of rage heats up my face and my hands clench together. 

 Once I hear that Emira and Edric are gone, I slump to the floor.  

More tears begin to pour from my eyes and I sob.

  Running downstairs, I crash into the kitchen.

  Hunter sits up, surprised by my sudden entry.  

I slump to the floor, yet again.

  Hunter shuffles towards me, pulling me close.

  I sob into his shoulder, my body shaking as I become more caught up in my depressive state.

  He hugs me closer and strokes my back.

  My shuddering sobs calm down as I dig my face deeper into his white cape.  

He begins to stroke my head, doing his best to try calm me.  

My breathing slows to soft little breaths. 

 I close my eyes and lie down. 

 Hunter snuggles up next to me and we both sleep. 

 The darkness comes closer, laid on thick and heavy.  It wraps around us like a blanket and sooths me.  I lay down my worries and sleep.

《Hehe.  We're getting extra close to the climax.  It'll probably be posted a little later as I have important pieces of homework to finish.  I also hope you enjoy this maybe short chapter.》 

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