Chapter 20 《Recovery》

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Y/N's Pov 

A sharp blow to my head renders me awake.

  My puffy eyes slowly begin to open, aching with the tears of last night.

  Blinking my eyes, I look around.  

My eyesight begins to focus on a large throne. 

 Sitting on it, all decorated in white and gold, is Emperor Belos.

  He infuriates me.

  He stole Eda's powers and tried to kill Luz. 

 I want to cause him the most painful death ever possible. 

 My knees dig harder into the soft carpet, my body stiffening.  

Hunter notices this and presses my arms harder into my back. 

 "I see you have returned", Belos' rich voice fills the air, "It is sad to see that you haven't returned with The Owl Lady, of course."

  I swallow in my raw throat and spit at Belos.  It lands inches away from his feet.

  "You'll never get to Eda." I grin foolishly, my words still slurring.  

Hunter twists and slams my head down on the hard tiled floor next to the carpet.  

He brings my head back up, my vision swirling.

  Belos seems dissatisfied by Hunter's reaction and motions and motions for us to leave. 

 Hunter yanks me upward and tugs me out of the room.

  He pulls me down a corridor, stumbling everytime I nearly trip.  

My vision swims even more and I collapse onto a wall.

  Trying to lean against it, I scratch open the back of my neck.

  The warm blood drips down onto my jumper, staining it scarlet.

  I fall onto the floor, losing control of my legs. 

 Hunter pulls me back up, forcing me to walk. 

 I hobble the rest of the way, until we arrive at a door. 

 Hunter shoves me inside and locks it behind him.

  I turn to the inside, attempting to see through my blurry vision.

  As I step forward, I feel grass on my bare feet.  

I touch the walls, only to grasp onto vines. 

 As I walk further into the overgrown room, something wraps around my ankle. 

 It tugs me hard and I fall over.

 It pulls me across the grassy plains and into a darker corner of the room. 

 Something grasps onto my head, starting to sap away at my energy.

  I feel myself losing consciousness and I try to scream, but it only comes out as a feeble whisper.  

The darkness slips over me, and once again, I succumb to it.  

I wake up, my body aching.

  Pushing myself up, I look down. 

 Underneath me, is a gaping black pit with no visible end. 

 I shiver and scoot away from the edge.

《Phobia》A Golden Gaurd x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now