Chapter 11 《The most beautiful star》

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Y/N's Pov 

It was the same thing in the morning.  I woke up.  I felt guilty.  I cried.

  The Golden Gaurd didn't talk to me for a while after that. 

 The days passed, full of boring days of being shut up in my room.  

Sleep was yet another issue to add to my long list.  

The dark circles under my eyes began to build up and angry love letters lay crumpled all over my floor, written at many stages of the night. 

 My depressive state was rocketing downwards and I could do nothing about it.  

Walking to my wardrobe, I breath in the musky smell of clothes, that I have long since grown out of. 

 Reaching my hand in, I feel my old dress.  

The black tulle sparkled from every inch, decorated in miniature twinkling stars, hand sown by Eda.

  That's when I remember tonight.  It's the Shrieking Star festival!

  I run downstairs as quietly as possible, praying I didn't wake the others.  

I pull the kitchen door open, carefully, so that it doesn't squeak.

  The glare of the hallway light casts a shadow on the Golden Gaurd's body.

  I walk over to him and crouch down.

  Putting my hands tightly around his shoulders, I begin to shake him awake. 

 "What do you want?" he mumbles, drowsily.  

Smiling at his tired mood, I fight back a laugh.  

It's good to see him again.

  "Hey, I've got a surprise for you.", I grin at him, happiness and excitement filling my voice, "Please don't run away." 

 He nods and I pull him up and untie his hands.  

Dragging him outside, I grab my staff, lying next to the front door. 

 Motioning for him to get on the staff, I sit down too.  

"You ready?" I ask, still grinning madly. 

He nods again and I fly off.

 Rushing through the cool night air, I watch the first stars shooting through the air. 

 Going a little faster, as I can't afford to miss all the stars, I find the perfect spot.

  It's a little grassy hilltop that Eda showed to me when I was younger.

  It has a beautiful view of the skeleton of the Titan.  

Helping the Golden Gaurd off my staff, I give him my hand. 

 He grasps it and gets down.

  Pulling my staff out of the air, I stand upright next to him.

  I pull up to the hilltop and we sit down.  

The stars cross the night sky, in a perfect crescendo. 

 I lie my head on his shoulder, lovingly.  

He relaxes and lets my head stay there. 

 We watch the stars for a while, until I lift my head.  

Maybe it was the right time.

  Here under the golden glow of the stars, with no one around us. 

I look up at him "What's your name?"

 Looking back at me, he hesitates for a second but then speaks up 

"My name is Hunter."

Silence surrounds us as he talks.  

Mesmerised by the moment, I sit still.  

I'm glad his name wasn't left undiscovered.

  Snapping out of my wonder, I feel myself falling even harder for him.

  The words he speaks next are like stardust in my mind "I feel that we're growing closer and that maybe......., you should see who I really am."

  Taking off his bent golden mask and pulling his hood down, I am mesmerised yet again.

  His maroon eyes stare intently at me, insomnia forming eye bags beneath.  A scar dances across the left side of his face.  He smiles at me and I instantly recognise a tooth gap. 

 These are all features that make him different, and now I love him even more. 

 The stars flew across the sky, painting his face in gold.

  Standing up, he grabbed my hand.  

I let him pull me up, my heart fluttering around my ribcage. 

 He came closer to my face and I stared lovingly into his maroon eyes.

  Closing his eyes, Hunter kisses me.  

It feels like an explosion of butterflies in my stomach but my eyes are glittering over as if they're stardust.

  I would say that I'm feeling love, but this feeling is to hard to explain.

  I want to cherish this moment forever and let it stay in my mind, like a polaroid picture.  This memory is where I want to stay forever.

《You guys got your name reveal!  Yay!  Now we all know it's Hunter!  Yeah, you totally didn't know that before!  Jokes aside, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.  I enjoyed writing it and staying up on an infinite amount of coffee, trying to get this finished for the 59(I don't even know how many people are reading this) people reading my story.  I'm sorry for the late upload but atleast you got your romantic moment.  Let's hope the waters are calm for atleast a day.》

《I just checked and found out that 91 people have read this!?  Thank you so much for all the support!  I wish I could thank you more.》

《Phobia》A Golden Gaurd x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora