Chapter 7 《Growing closer》

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《HUGE NOTE: This has a lot of the Golden Gaurd's pov.  It just seemed a lot better if it was in his pov.  Also until you find out his name, the pov is still going to be called ???'s Pov.》

???'s Pov 

The person was scared again.  

It was interesting to see that but I already knew they were scared of me.

  I do happen to pick up a lot from Edalyn and Lilith's little chats.

  Their name was apparently Y/N. a nice name. 

 One that Emperor Belos would like.

  It appeared as if Y/N was trying to make friends with me.

  This was intriguing information.

  Perhaps I could bend this to my will.  

Y/N's Pov 

"I'm sorry Luz!" I cried angrily into her shoulder.

  "Hey N/N, it's okay." she pats my back.  

"Are you sure?"

 I blink tears out of my eyes and look up at her.  

"Yes Y/N, it's okay." Luz looks at me, sympathetically.

  "Then I'll try my best, with...........him." 

I look towards the door and fake a smile, a sickening feeling in my stomach.  

A thought occurs to me.  

Why should I be scared of the Golden Gaurd?  

He seems nice enough, I am the only one, who is ruining the moment.

  I stand up and smile properly this time.  

Walking down the corridor, I stand infront of the entrance to the room, I have hated for so long. 

 Right now, I will change all that.

???'s Pov  

They enter the room, shuffling their feet and shivering upon seeing my golden mask.  

"Hey, come sit." I say, in a voice, I would only use around Belos.

  I need to earn their trust.

  Slowly and shyly, Y/N begins to sit down next to me. 

 Turning away from me, they pull out a crumpled note from their pocket.  

If they're trying to hide it from me, they're doing a terrible job.  

The note seems to have been written by the human. 

 It has quite unclear instructions on how to overcome the fear.

  Oh, this will do.  

This will do nicely.  

A little more prying on the list that Y/N had and I had already devised a cunning scheme. 

 Calming down, Y/N edged a little closer to me and smiled weakly. 

 This is going good, my plan is already in motion.

Y/N's Pov 

"So, how was your day, Y/N? " Lilith asked. 

 My answer was as clear as day, "Okay, but I really miss Hexside." 

Lilith smiled back at me, "The summer does that to people.", then thinking again, she asked, "Why don't we invite Emira and Edric over?" 

The thought filled my mind and eventually, I smiled back, "That would be a great idea."

《I hope this was long enough for you, and yay! We got some interaction with the Golden Gaurd.  I will be uploading again tomorrow but maybe at a later time, as I have drama after school, it is a half day though. We always have half days on Wednesdays.》

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