Chapter 10 《Burning Moment》

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Y/N's Pov 

Blinking my eyes, I slowly wake up.

  I can feel his hands, stroking my head.  

Turning around to face him, he quickly pulls his hands away.  

"It's okay, I liked it." I smiled back at his masked face.  

Taking the rope that is lying on the floor, I reach out for his hands, "I'm sorry, but you know, Eda's orders."  I smile sympathetically at him.

  He turns away from me and I begin to feel awful.  It's not my fault.  I just have to do this.

  Do I though?  

Pushing the thought out of my head, I tie his hands together. 

 As Luz enters the kitchen, I leave quickly.  

Tears begin to form at my eyes, another precious moment ruined. 

 I walk into my room to see Eda cleaning.  She had a spur of the moment and decided to change the house up a bit.  Heeding my wishes, she is only tidying.  

Eda spots my red eyes "Hey kid, are you okay?" she asks, a tone of worry in her voice.

  I try to choke back my tears, but the sadness still pours into my voice, "I............have a................question." Eda nods, motioning for me to continue. "What would you do............if all the moments you spend with................them.... burnt out...............afterwards?" I choked out my words. 

 Eda looked at me, sadness in her eyes. "Oh kid, you're in love, aren't you?"

I still felt awful, even after an uplifting lecture from Eda, full of bad jokes. 

 After seeing that it wasn't affecting my mood, Eda left.  

Luz had offered to do some training with me, which is exactly what I needed. 

 Stretching, I watched as Luz prepared her glyphs.  

Luz smiled at me, "Alright!  Go all out!  Pretend I'm your worst enemy." Getting into position, I stretch my arms out, ready to draw the circle. 

 As Luz lunged forward, I sidestepped to the right.  Drawing on ice magic, I send an ice pillar, crashing after her.  Luz melts it easily with her fire glyphs. 

 I call on a human term, fight fire with fire, and create a circle of flames, trapping her.  Luz panics and escapes with an easy ice glyph.  

Letting my anger out, I hit back with large thorn spikes.  Then Luz screams. 

 Snapping out of my mask of rage, I rush forward to protect her.  

The thorns slash deep marks into my thighs.  Finally, I find myself and stop the thorn spikes, but not before the damage is done.

Lying in bed, I pull the blanket down, revealing the bandages.

  My blue jumper sags down a bit, covering the top of the white material. 

 I can't believe I lost control.  I'm a lovesick failure.  

The wounds were inflicted deep, so the bandages have to stay on for a while.

  These thoughts and more, rush through my head, but I can only think of one thing: I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight.  And as I lie here, waiting for the world to dull, I become more aware that I was thinking the truth.  

Slowly, without any thought in my mind, I walk downstairs to where the Golden Gaurd is sleeping.  

I lie down next to him and pull the thin blanket over us.

  I still wait but the world does not dull, my eyes do not grow heavy, my thoughts do not calm down.  

Shuffling up a bit, I lie my head on his shoulder.  I could here his quiet breaths.  All went still and the world began to dull around me again.

《Here is the new chapter!  Sorry for the late upload.  I got home later then expected and I was watching a family film.  Anyway, here is the new chapter!  I still need ideas for filler chapters, so if you could comment them or message me, that would be greatly appreciated!》 

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