Chapter 54: Monsters don't have hearts.

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Author's Pov

The silence in the room was loud. Won-suk was suspicious of the hidden plan his partner was talking about.

"What is your plan?" He asked again, this time a little sternly. As far as he knows, Yea-Ji could be crazy if she wants revenge and it scared him.

Her mind would go insane and she wouldn't care about anyone. The way she thinks about the world was terrifying and Won-suk knew that.

She was the one who persuaded him to take the path of black magic if he wanted to become more powerful and she was capable of performing any ritual insight.

"Stephanie love. Are you feeling something new?" She ignored his question and asked the white-dressed beauty standing beside them.

The way Stephanie's lips curled up was enough sign for her to kick Won-suk down. He groaned in pain.

"Yah! What are you doing?" He asked outraged, he has no idea what exactly are they planning and it made him feel uneasy.

"Shut up, you fucker." It was the first time anyone has heard the Yea-Ji curse. The students in the room were confused but stunned at the same time.

Won-suk widened his eyes at the sudden bold move. He was caught off guard when his daughter came in front of him, with a smirk.

"What are you doing—" He stopped as Stephanie puts her sword right on his neck making him gulp.

"Sweetheart, what is this?" He asked, scared for his life. The dead glare from his own daughter frightened him.

"Nothing, father. I just don't want your help anymore." She answered, the dark violet color of her eyes made it clear.

She is now out of control.

"W– What do you mean? I did everything for you till now, did this old hag possess you or something?" He grits his teeth yet stayed calm.

His patience was amazing. Yea-Ji can possess anyone so it wouldn't be a surprise if she tried doing the same to his daughter.

"No one could do anything to me." There was power in her voice and it almost came out like a threat that she is not someone people can make use of.

"I am just fed up with your arrogant face." She replied with a cold tone, tired of talking.

"I am so annoyed with your presence that my eyes burn even looking at you." The words hurt Won-suk like crazy.

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