Chapter 14 : Uneasiness

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Author's Pov

"Focus on the kick, Jennie Kim!" Mr. Song, one of the most respected teachers in West Word spoke out. His sharp voice pricing through her hear buds.

The new students of West Word were expected to learn common combats from him only. His teaching was harsh but effective.

"Sorry, sir," Jennie said, kind of annoyed at his continuous scolding. She knew that she needed to learn fast to cope up with everyone but she wasn't a robot either.

"Your posture is wrong, Park Jisung!" His scolding didn't stop at her, everyone was getting an equal amount of scolding.

"You need to punch it harder, Mi Ra!"

"Aish, okay let's move to the real combats. The self-defense!" Mr. Song said, massaging his temples in distress.

"I would be happy if you would be a little more strong and stop whining at stupid small pain!" He shouted, his voice formal and strict.

"Now pick your partner! First, we will go girl vs girl and boy vs boy!" Jennie sighed, she looked around for a little weak opponent. She didn't want to lose just now.

"Hey, Jennie! Wanna be my fight partner?" One of her classmates, Hyuna asked. She didn't want to sound off as a loser so she nodded.

"Okay! Now, come in front to front with your partner." All of the students did what was said. His eyes wandering around if everyone followed his command or not.

"First thing, the self-defense here is not like your human world! Use of magic is common and as per your powers and mental control, your combats will go on."

"The better your control over your powers is, the better your moves would be. Training is a must too, don't except your powers would help in better fighting or will make you superior to others!"

"Especially for you all, this year would be the grand fight so prepare for it from now on only."

All the students were eager to participate in that fight, the grand battle of Sapphire was everyone's dream.

Jennie closed her fist ready to fight with Hyuna. The girl attacked Jennie first and the punch did affect Jennie's posture and she fell down.

"I am sorry if that was too strong." Hyuna apologized and helped her stand up. The brunette shook her head and stood up.

"Well, we can't stop just now, can we?" They both smiled and again got in posture. Getting mentally prepared for the next attack.

"Make sure that you should be mentally sure of what your next move is gonna be. You need to control your powers. Pouring your anger out would be dangerous so be aware."

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