Chapter 30: Unemotional traps.

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"Dad, when will I go out?" I looked over to my father in anticipation.

I asked him for a present for my 10th birthday and yet he couldn't even give me that.

It was a simple request. I don't want pieces of jewelry either toys, not those flower crowns from the unknown women. I just...

I just want to go out.

He looked at me in sympathy. Again. I hated it, I hate that look more than my own death. It makes me look shoddy.

"When we are prepared for it." He said. A tear slipped my eyes, I don't want to stay forever in this house. It may be big, but it's still smaller than the outside world.

My sister gets to go out then why not me. I love her but every time she gets to go outside, play, and live in this house without knowing my existence.

I feel like a shadow. I am prohibited to meet her so I just stare at her from afar.

She enjoys dinner with my dad, she invites her friends over. She lives like a normal descendant. But I don't, dad says I am special that's why.

At least I am special.

Author's Pov

The young girl continuously swings her sword and cuts the wooden dummy in front of her.

Hitting that dummy right on the spot she needed to. She always had a good grip on swords.

She has been training for the past four hours without a break.

But not even an ounce of tiredness could be seen on her face and her heartfelt undoubtedly numb.

She feels absolutely nothing, not even a little of exhaustion. It was unusual of her but she didn't stop.

She wanted to train, she needed to polish her skills so much that she could take down anyone in front of her. Anyone.

She again performed her ultimate move, no one knew about this but she made a trick for herself. Something, no one had.

Serving for Michael sir, a half Korean and half British Shiran, and a great Eagle Flight mentor was the best decision she made for herself.

He taught her a lot of lessons for making a trick for herself. Something that will catch your opponent off-guard.

"Are you trying to die?" There he came, she looked over to his daring figure. He was in his training clothes too and sweating hard.

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