Chapter 1: The Burden of favours

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"Excuse me, please." A girl hurriedly spoke as she runs through the crowd. It was raining hard in Seoul and she didn't have an umbrella at the time.

Cursing a bit on her bad luck, she finally stops in front of a shop. Not looking which shop it was, she went inside.

The smell of lavender filled her nostrils, bringing her tensed muscles to relax a bit. She looks around but find nobody.

Not to invade someone's privacy, she stands near the door, waiting for the rain to slow down.

She needs to be at home till now and her luck decided to play jokes on her, one after another.

First, she got a lot of homework, stayed at the library to complete it but her phone battery died and she couldn't contact her driver making her ran back to her house, on her own.

It wasn't that away from her school but the rain started in between and now here she is, waiting in rain without an umbrella.

Her mouth made a 'tch' sound in annoyance as the rain is nowhere ready to stop and time is flowing by. Her parents must be worried.

"Young lady?" She turned around, there was a beautiful middle-aged woman, looking at her. An unknown glint in her tired eyes.

"Yes, ma'am." She respectfully asked. The woman just stared at the younger girl, passing a longing look.

"Do you need an umbrella?" The question left the younger stunned, she wasn't expecting this.

"No, it's fine ma'am. I will just go when the rain stops a bit. My home isn't far." She politely declined, even though she needed the umbrella.

"No, it's fine and besides, it doesn't look like the rain is gonna stop any time soon." Now when she looks at the woman, she was wearing a little old-fashioned dress.

The girl considered for a bit and the older continuously asked, she finally agreed. After giving a thank you and sweet smile, she went to her house.

The middle-aged woman looks at the disappearing figure of the young girl with a sweet yet suspicious smile.


"Prom night?" I asked my friend, Somi and she nodded. My heart fluttered thinking about my crush.

I really want him to ask me out but that would be the last thing he would do.

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