Chapter 52: Heartbreaking decisions.

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Author's Pov

"We are sorry, we couldn't save the mother." There was a chilly silence within the air. He slowly nodded and they left him, with his child in his hands.

The child was silent and wasn't crying, it was odd but he appreciated that. He went inside the room, where laid his now-dead lover.

The servants already called the cemetery office to prepare for the funeral of their late mistress. She was still so young and beautiful.

However, the man was silent and looked at his newly wedded wife with sorrow in his eyes. He thanked her for the gift she gave him before she passed away.

His mom left him not too long ago and now his wife. They married each other after she got pregnant so they couldn't even spend any time together.

He was too busy preparing for his upcoming battle yet he ran to his house with anticipation so he could take care of his wife. He was a great husband despite being young.

"Are you sure?" Lee Suzy, with a shocked expression, asked the nurse who had just come from Won-suk's house. She helped the late mistress to give birth to the new child.

"Yes! The child seemed undeniably different from any child I have ever helped. Please I request you to check it out." The old nurse spoke.

She wasn't a noisy person but it was no lie that Won-suk's daughter was very different from others.

"But I can't go until she turns at least five. You know the rule." Suzy answered with a dull face, the other nodded understanding.

"Won-suk surely impregnated his soulmate early. The poor girl couldn't stand the pressure of giving birth." The nurse whispers.

Both, Won-suk and his soulmate were young. However, due to some intimate moments, his soulmate got pregnant before she could even participate in the Royal battle, The Chase Of Throne.

"I hope everything is okay." Suzy wished happiness for Won-suk and strength after his lover's death.

"Why can't you!" There was horror in his eyes while looking at his precious daughter. The poor child flinches and burst into tears.

He snapped back by the sound of crying and slowly hugged his daughter, attempting to shush her down. Sarah, the caretaker entered the room too.

Stephanie slowly quietens in her father's arms. The other woman standing at the door, awed at the sight. Won-suk is a great father too.

However, the guy wasn't the same. He hugs his daughter with fear, she doesn't have powers! He cried out in his mind. She is four years old and yet shows no sign of magic.

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