Twenty five★ The proposal.

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          Since Jack practically demanded to take Annie out on their supposed one-month anniversary, Elle also demanded that she help Annie prepare for the fancy dinner Jack planned. What was it with this group of friends and demanding things?

          She still had about five hours left before the date though and that was why Elle decided it would be a good time to make TikToks. She had her camera on her tripod stand, fixed with her ring light to make sure her videos were perfect. She'd done tons of videos, few of which included Annie, Javy, and Jack, but Lee and Xander refused to show their faces. They weren't camera shy, they just weren't interested. Honestly, those two were two peas in a pod.

          Elle had told Annie she had a plan to reveal Lee and Annie had told to her to go ahead, amused. So she had announced that she was going upstairs to change for a new video and nobody had paid any attention to her.

          When she came back down with only a towel wrapped on her body though, she got everyone's attention. Annie couldn't deny that Elle was very beautiful—with her platinum blonde hair and her long legs, she could easily captivate the male attention. Hell, she could get the attention of females if she wanted to. But the boys in the room weren't given her starved stares, no. They were looking at her like she was crazy.

          "We all know you are usually crazy but what the hell is this?" Lee asked incredulously, glaring at her.

          "This is going to the interesting." Xander whistled lowly and Annie would not have heard him if she wasn't sitting so close to him.

          "What am I doing?" Elle asked innocently, moving her hair over to the side. "I'm just making a TikTok like I usually do."

          "Elle." Lee's tone was warning and firm, with no trace of his usual teasing or playfulness.

          Elle clicked her tongue, ignoring Lee and replacing the camera with her phone, throwing the camera at Jack who caught it skillfully. Lee muttered profanities under his breath as Elle put her TikTok on timer. He glared intently at the phone, as though his gaze would snap it and she wouldn't get to do what she wanted.

          The phone started recording and Lee stood up from the love seat that he was previously settled on. Annie knew Elle and Lee were very close, but she didn't know they were that close. He was the only one who seemed extremely bothered.

          For the first part of the video, Elle simply moved around, twirling and ignoring the five pairs of eyes watching her. When the next half reached though, her hand moved to the top of her towel, and… she pulled. Annie gasped.

          Annie was sure Lee moved faster than the speed of light, ignoring the surprised gasps from everyone, because he got to her in a flash, turning her around and holding her towel in place. "What the fuck do you think you're doing, Chantelle?"

          Annie's eyes went wide at the use of Elle's full name because that guaranteed it Lee was obviously irritated or angry. Elle must have noticed that too because she chuckled awkwardly and Elle was never awkward. "Chill, Lee.".

          "Chill." He repeated, laughing humorlessly as though that very word annoyed him even further. "Chill?"

          "Yeah, chill. I have clothes underneath." She said calmly, removing his hand from the towel slowly, as if she was afraid of angering him even further. "See, I'm fully clothed, I just wanted your attention." She tried a grin at him, finally pulling the towel away to reveal a black strapless top and blue booty shorts.

          Lee glared at her for a second longer before slowly trailing his eyes up and down her form. When he met her eyes again, his softened a little, but Annie could swear he was still angry—and maybe, a little bit embarrassed now—and his next words proved it. "You're a fucking bitch sometimes, you know that?" With that, he walked out of the house, leaving Elle staring at him in shock.

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