Twenty two★ Church service

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          Jack was worried sick. He'd been since the day he called Annie and her mother picked up the phone. She'd asked him a few questions, including about his family, and Jack had held his breath, hoping she would approve, but she'd only hung up after telling him to never contact Annie again.

          Of course, he didn't listen and called severally. But every time he did, her mother answered the call until it got to a time when his calls couldn't go through anymore. He had a feeling his number had been blocked and he also had a suspicion that Annie was grounded as he didn't see her at her workplace either. That was when he made the impulsive decision to visit her house to check if she was okay.

          That did not go as planned. It had resulted in Kate Prescott begging him to not ruin her only daughter's life. He was confused but pleaded to see Annie just once. That was when Matt had come out, engaging in an argument with his mother over Annie. Jack thought that was a bit personal, so he left. Now, he hadn't heard from her for a week. Correct that; a week and three days and he was absolutely fucking worried, which influenced his decision to attend church.

          When Jack told his father that Sunday morning that he would be attending the church service, his father was shocked. After all, Jack had never been a big believer of God, even if he was certain Annie could convince him otherwise.

          Speaking of Annie, she was staring at him wide-eyed from where the choristers were situated as he took a seat beside Regina who frowned at him. Admittedly, he'd been late, but in his defense, he woke up late, plus he didn't know when the actual service started. Was it in church they had morning mass?

          "Uh, Jack?"

          Jack chuckled. Regina was surprised because Jack didn't ever attend on his free will and his dad was usually there to drag him with. "Good morning, Regina. Happy Sunday."

          "Is there anything wrong with Nathan?" Jack bit back a smile. Another thing he liked about Regina was how she cared for his father and made him a better person.

          "No. He's just working." He informed, his eyes going back to Annie. His father was a bit of a workaholic, which was why he was usually absent at home.

          "Ah!" Regina suddenly you exclaimed in a hushed whisper, making Jack turn his attention to her. "I see. You came to see her, right? Trouble in paradise?" She was teasing, but he could hear the hint of concern in her voice.

          "You could say that." He mumbled, scratching the nape of his neck nervously. He didn't even have anything to say to Annie. He just wanted to ask her if she was okay.

          Looking at Annie again, whose gaze was still fixed on him, he could see the unshed tears shining in her eyes. He gave her a small smile and she tried one back at him, but it was weak and wobbly. If she wasn't careful, someone would notice she was distracted. And of course, that person had to be her mother. Kate Prescott turned around in her seat to see what Annie's attention was glued to, and when she found herself looking at Jack, he gave her a small wave, causing the woman to sigh exasperatedly. Like that would faze him.

          Regina must have been watching the exchange because she asked, "Her parents don't approve?"

          "Well, her mom doesn't. Don't know about her dad."

          "It's okay. Everyone knows Kate is a difficult woman. You guys attend the same school, right?"

          Fool. Why the hell didn't he think of that earlier? Their second semester started the next day and then, he would be able to see Annie and talk to her again. "Yeah, we do." Oh, well, he was already there. He might as well make it worth his while.

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