Seventeen★ Dinner with the Prescotts.

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Jack had never remembered ever being nervous in his whole sixteen years of life and some. He wasn't nervous the first day he walked into Aimee's coffee house looking for Annie. He wasn't nervous when he first asked her out on a date. He wasn't even nervous when he tried out for the football team in freshman year. Hell, it was like a taboo. But he couldn't understand the nerves and feelings of jittery he was experiencing as he stood in front of Annie's house.

It was only the second day of the year, but earlier in the morning, Annie had called him, inviting him for dinner with her brothers. Why did he have to agree? Why did he decide to arrive two and a half hours earlier? Who the hell was he trying to impress?

He let the questions fade as he rang the doorbell. He took a deep breath and started a mantra in his head.

Please, let it be Annie. Please, let it be Annie. Please, let it-

Dan. Or Dave. He didn't know if he would ever be able to tell. Whichever one of the twins they were looked at Jack from head to toe and unlike the last time in the diner, Jack squirmed under his gaze.


Hi? When did he start saying hi?

The Prescott before him laughed. "You're something else. Come on."

Jack breathed in relief. That meant approval, right?

"I'm Dan by the way. I see the confusion in your eyes." Jack almost froze up. Dan was the same one he stood up to that day and he'd never been in his territory since then. Besides, on the day of their date, Annie had basically dragged him away from her brothers before they could do anything.

The first thing Jack heard when he entered the house was a high-pitched voice singing an Ariana Grande song. He didn't have to ask to know it was Annie; he'd recognize that voice anywhere. She was practically bringing the house down with how loud she was but they didn't care. At least, not enough to stop her.

"There are some guys in the front room. You can either join or wait in the kitchen-whichever you're comfortable with. I'm just gonna call Annie down." Jack nodded and opted for the kitchen. He hadn't even made it far when he heard Dan's voice boom around the house. "ANNIE!" She didn't stop singing but everyone present in the house knew she heard him. "ANNIE!" This time, her voice halted.

"WHAT?" She yelled back.




This time, he heard a new voice yell. This one was also most likely upstairs. "STOP YELLING, DAVE! ANNIE, GET THE HELL DOWNSTAIRS!" Dave? Was he fucking with him?

Soon enough, Jack heard loud footsteps down the stairs and he could visualize her stomping on the staircase. "What do you want? And God damn it, Dave, weren't you meant to vacuum the house?"

"If it bothers you so much, do it yourself."

"You're so fucking annoying."

"I wonder how mom has never heard you swear."

"Whatever, why'd you call me down? Oh, hey Stuart, hey Ross." He heard the two guys she greeted return it before Dave spoke again.

"I told Jack I'm Dan. You needed to see his reaction. It was fucking priceless." Dave started laughing and Jack could feel the embarrassment in his bones, but thankfully, no one was there to see him.

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