Six★ Meet the family.

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Annie tapped her leg impatiently as she looked at the digital watch in her hand again. She could only blame herself for waiting this long for him. Jack had told her he would be there by 2:30 and she'd decided to arrive fifteen minutes earlier. She later realized it wasn't a smart move.

After two movies, their mother had gone to check up on her restaurant, and her dad, well, worked every day in his hospital. She'd brushed past her brothers muttering something about walking around for some time. They believed it as if it was a usual occurrence.

Five minutes later waiting in front of the closed coffee shop, she heard the sound of a motorcycle and it stopped. She looked up to see Jack in all his glory taking off a black helmet, still sitting in the vehicle.

She blinked again and again. When he said picked her up, she expected a car or something. Not a black shiny and most likely, new motorcycle.

"What the fuck?" She spluttered out, eyes wide, still staring at the vehicle.

He got down and smiled at her, patting the seat of the motorcycle. "Meet my baby."

Her eyes were quickly fixed on him. His hair was messy, having been just removed from a helmet and his grey eyes were glowing with excitement. "Is this the first time you're riding this?"

"Had my first ride last year, bought mine this year and this is the first time I'm actually allowed legally to ride it. Isn't she beautiful?" He asked her, staring at the vehicle dreamily. "Just like you." He added, turning to her.

She tried not to let his compliment or should she say flattering affect her. "Do you even have a license?" He shrugged. "Jack!"

He waved dismissively. "I'll get it tomorrow."

"Then ride it tomorrow."

"Today, tomorrow, same thing." He waved off, running a hand through his brown hair. "Come on, let's go."

She looked at him as though he had grown horns out of his head. He was clad in all black. Black jeans, a black shirt, a black leather jacket, and black sneakers, giving him the bad boy look. And he looked like a golden boy the last day she saw him. "No way I'm getting on that."

He frowned, taking his lip in between his teeth. "Why?"

"Look at me." She gestured to herself. She had worn a cashmere blue and white sweater. One she stole from one of her brothers that ended on her thighs with a black leather skirt that ended just below it. She complimented her outfit with ankle boots, trying her hair up in a ponytail.

His eyes traveled from her eyes to her legs and upwards again. He looked at her in confusion. Not knowing what he was searching for, he scanned her again and she was beginning to feel uncomfortable the way it felt like his gaze was burning holes in her body. "What's wrong with you? You look pretty."

"You're missing the point." She almost pulled her hair out. "I am wearing a skirt." She emphasized.

He still couldn't see the problem. "A very sexy skirt, yes, I can see that."

He couldn't even see the design of the skirt! "Do you turn everything into a compliment?"

He grinned at that, his previous confusion now absent. "Yes, for you. You deserve as many compliments as possible."

Her heart did a backflip. She had never had anyone except for her family constantly give her compliments. Hell, even her family hardly ever complimented her. She meant, your siblings only ever mock you, whether you look good or not, and on their good days, they throw in a small compliment. That was how it was in every house right?

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