Two★ Maybe, you should admit your crush afterall.

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Jack had a purpose and he was going to fulfill it. He said goodbye to his friends, exiting the cafe where they were having their Christmas Eve lunch. According to Elle, that was the last and only time they would have food together on Christmas Eve that year. She was dramatic and he couldn't blame her. He thought it was something in the genes.

With a disgruntled sound, he got on his bicycle. He couldn't wait to be finally able to use his bike. Sometimes, he hated his age because of the many restrictions it brought along.

He made his way to the coffee house he was at yesterday when he realized she worked there. He made sure to arrive a few minutes before their closing time too.

When he got to Aimee's coffee house though, he paused, standing in front of it for a while, wondering if it was a bad idea or not. His brain finally settled on the latter and he pushed open the doors, the bell chiming as he walked in.

She was the first thing he saw as even the Christmas decorations couldn't distract him but she hadn't seen him. She was too busy doing whatever it was at the counter. He was hit with the scent of pines and nature. The shop wasn't crowded as they were almost done for the day. His eyes were trained back at her. Her braids were pulled back into a ponytail and her black eyes were concentrated on something on the counter.

When he walked up to the counter, he didn't say anything but watched her as she realized a customer was in front of her, ready to order. But he wasn't ready for her reaction to seeing him because he was absolutely in shock when she ducked behind the counter.

When the shock wore off, he had to bite his fists to prevent the laughter from spilling out. He saw her coworker ask her what she was doing, the same one he saw yesterday who told him Annie didn't work on Sundays, and she replied by shushing her. She was a sight.

He saw her look back up and she jumped in surprise when she realized he was watching her the whole time, making both of their heads bang against the other.

She groaned and muttered under her breath. "Ow, what are you doing here?" He thought he wasn't supposed to hear that.

His first interaction with her and he was already entertained. "I think it goes like, 'Welcome to Aimee's coffee house, what can I get you?' Don't you?" He asked, seemingly amused with her dramatics.

She didn't reply straight away and he wondered what was going on in her mind as she gazed up at him. He got his answers when she finally talked. "They were blue in my dreams but I'll settle with grey."

He was silent for a while, a little confused at what she was talking about. When the realization dawned on him that the statement was about his eye color, he couldn't stop the laughter that bubbled out of him.

Her cheeks didn't change to pink or any other color because of her skin color but he knew she was blushing by the way she was ducking her head in embarrassment. He certainly knew he wasn't supposed to hear that one.

"So you dreamt about me?"

She groaned and physically facepalmed. He chuckled at that too. He was aware that a few eyes were on them but he didn't mind. It's not like any other customers were waiting in line for an order after all. When she removed her hand from her face, she put on a wide smile. So wide, he could tell it was fake. "Welcome to Aimee's coffee house, what can I get you?" It was so forced, that he had to laugh again. It wiped the smile off her face. "I think we only accommodate actual customers so if you're not gonna order anything, get out."

"Well, you got rude fast." He commented once he straightened up.

"I am not exactly idle. This is a workplace and I've got things to do."

A Series Of FirstsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang