Thirteen★ Football fan.

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          "One last stop," Jack announced as he got on his motorcycle for the umpteenth time that night. Annie struggled with helping herself up together with the huge pink teddy bear they'd gotten as a prize and he laughed at how adorable she looked.

          She groaned in embarrassment and he wordlessly took the stuffed animal from her, placing it in front of him. When she was successfully on the vehicle, she asked. "Where are we headed?"

          "You'll see." He told her vaguely before powering the engine of his baby and it roared into the night. Earlier, before he'd arrived at her place, he had called Xander, asking him for his help. Xander had flat out refused but after a lot of bargains, he grumpily agreed. Jack would've easily asked for Javy's help but the boy's family had game night every last Saturday of the month and he couldn't miss it. He also didn't want Elle out and about alone at night, so he resorted to Xander. At least, he knew how to take care of himself.

          They reached the park in no more than five minutes and Jack immediately spotted the car that drove his friend to school and back. Annie, still entranced by the pictures they took together, kept swiping at her phone as they got down. "We seem so opposite. I look all preppy and you look—" he turned around and she swept a gaze through him, "—like a bad boy."

          "Thanks." He grinned, taking it as a compliment. "Xander suggested this look." More like Xander had practically forced him into it but whatever. That was one of the things he has to ensure to earn his friend's help.

          "Well, you look hot." She blurted and immediately bit her lip at the admission, as though preventing herself from saying more things.

          The motion caught his eye, but before he could lean down to steal a kiss, a loud horn blared, making them jump in fright. "Asshole," Jack muttered before taking Annie's hand and leading her to the direction of the car.

          "Wait, where are we going? What if that car wants to kidnap us? You don't go towards the danger, doofus!" She exclaimed, trying to drag him back with little to no strength.

           "Shut up, Annie. I know what I'm doing." She mimed zipping her mouth shut, making Jack roll his eyes as they halted at the trunk of the car.

          When he opened it, Annie spoke again in a hushed whisper. "What are you doing? You can't just take things from people's cars!"

          "Go knock at the window of the passenger's seat and see who it is." She hesitated but went anyway and he took out the picnic basket he'd got Xander to make, with two thick blankets, bundling them in his arms before going round to meet a scowling Annie. Jack sighed. "What did he say to you?"

          "Don't want to repeat the words," Annie grumbled.

          "Being nice doesn't hurt. You should try that sometime." Jack advised a smiling Xander whose expression immediately turned to a scowl.

          "I am nice." Xander defended and Jack raised an eyebrow. "Well, I am nice enough. She's just too sensitive."

          "And that's exactly why you watch the things you say to her. I don't want you scaring her away." He said seriously and the two boys stared at each other for a while, Xander understood what Jack was trying to say, so he sighed.

          "Okay, I'll try." There was a promise there that Jack knew his friend would keep. Except Annie somehow managed to infuriate him, which Jack hoped would never be the case.

          "Stop talking about me like I'm not right here. Like can you see me? Can you guys not see me?"

          Xander cocked his head towards Annie. "Did you just......"

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