• twenty-nine •

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a/n: hi, i just graduated so i haven't been active. sorry that this is so late! also, i'm going to ono in new york so i am super excited about that! i hope you guys like this chapterrrr

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     He was moody

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He was moody.  I was not used to him being moody like this.  Certainly on Saturday night when he had gone to bed, and even when he had woken up the next morning, he had been in a bad mood, but the past couple of days had been absolutely insane, in a way.  After all, I was used to a very collected, charming, and humorous man.  Someone who was smooth, calculated, and witty.  The curly-haired personality that was coming into work barely wanted to speak.  He was quiet, irritable, and unhappy.  On his radio segment, he was somewhat okay.  He seemed less irritable, but the second the show cut, he was nowhere to be seen.  He didn't come up to my office as usual, instead, I heard him shut himself alone in his own office.  The first two days I had let it slide, knowing that maybe he wasn't interested in socializing, but on the third day I decided it was enough.  I didn't want him to shut me out completely, especially since I had been there for him.  Even if he wanted his space, and I had seen him briefly for five minutes each day before he left, I felt like I needed to be the one that went to speak with him.

Getting up out of my seat, I made sure all of my things were neatly collected.  I knew that I would come back into my office, but I didn't want to leave myself a mess to come back to.  Once I opened my door, I carefully shut it behind me, hoping that I wouldn't make a lot of noise.  However, it didn't take long for me to walk a few feet until I was standing in front of Harry's office.  I wondered if he would be irritated that I was even going out of my way to speak with him.  He was the type that I felt if he wanted to talk to me, he would talk to me.  Yet, maybe he also was just so stuck in his head that he wasn't really thinking about whether or not he should come and talk to me more than just a quick goodbye.

Knocking on the door, I didn't hear him respond.  It was silent on his side, and I wondered what he was in the middle of doing.  Taking a deep breath, I found myself waiting for some sort of response, hoping that I could hear some movement on his side, but there was nothing in the slightest.  So, I waited a few more moments until I knocked once again, hearing shuffling on his end.  It took a little bit until I heard the door unlocking, a small smile on my face when he pulled open the door just enough so that he was barely peeking out.


"Hi," I greeted.


"How are you?"

"Oh just great.  I am having a great time with myself, you know? Running, feeling used, the whole thing."

His tone was dry, cutthroat.  I could tell he was not amused, and yet his words held a lot of sarcasm.  I had to hold myself back from laughing even, not wishing to make him upset in any way.  Of course, I knew that he wasn't even frustrated with me, but he was irritated with everything that was going on in his life, I was sure.  And, by everything, I definitely meant the breakup.  How he had gotten into a fight with Mr. Beck–who had shown up on Monday and Harry did not want to deal with it in the slightest.  Even Mr. Watson had to step in and say that Mr. Beck wasn't welcomed back while he was under investigation.  It was a whole issue that no one wanted to deal with and yet everyone had to endure it. 

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