• thirty-five •

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      While I had not anticipated staying until seven, it was what happened

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      While I had not anticipated staying until seven, it was what happened.  Time ran away from me, and I was stuck trying to be sure that everything I needed for my meeting with the Radio Weekly representative on Monday was all set and ready to go when I got in.  The last thing I wanted was to rush to get things sorted, so I would have preferred a late day today than an early morning Monday.

It was light out when I left the station.  There were still people milling about, but I knew it was because of Jack's show and how that went until ten.  Of course, I knew there was at least a production team, a director, as well as a few others.  It just was so weird to leave at such a late time and still see so many people working.  I knew that I needed to make a quick stop by the store.  I didn't have a lot of food at my house, but the goal was to make pasta with a vodka sauce.  There was also the fact that I knew it would be a lot of food by myself, so even though Harry and I were supposed to meet tomorrow, I planned on calling him when I got home anyway.

After the short walk to Richard's, I made my way inside, noting that it was rather busy for a little past seven.  Then again, it was a Friday night, so I pinned it on that.  There were probably people getting ready for the weekend, picking up snacks, alcohol, and anything else they may have needed for the evening or the next few days. 

I took one of the small baskets, navigating my way around the store quickly.  It didn't take long to pick out pasta, along with the vegetables I would need in order to make the sauce.  I also decided that I finally needed to buy Harry his bourbon.  Not that he had asked for it, but I just wanted to make sure I had some at the house for him.  The thought made my cheeks tinge pink, and I knew it was because it would be the first thing that I had gone out of my way to get for him.  After I checked out with my groceries, I headed over to the liquor store to grab bourbon.  The guy stared at my ID for a long time, but finally gave in to selling to me.  It wasn't like I wasn't legal, but sometimes people didn't think I looked much like my ID since the picture was from 1981 and I had been fifteen at the time.

It wasn't until about eight that I was finally starting to make my way home.  At this point, it was dusk out.  The sky held a purple hue with the way the sun was setting now.  I knew the store wasn't that far, but it was eerie to think about getting home this late.  Then again, I had willingly gone out at this time alone before, so I don't know what the difference was.  I blamed it on the fact that there had been a lot more killings since the last time I was out and about on the streets this late, though.

As I was crossing sixth street, I saw a familiar vehicle approaching.  Or, the vehicle was approaching the red light anyway.  There weren't many cars on the street right now, so it was hard to miss it.  The car was white, the model clearly from the sixties.  I found myself freezing up when the vehicle stopped beside me, my heart pounding in my chest now.  I wondered if he had noticed me—had looked in my direction and saw I was walking.  Though, it wasn't hard to figure out when I heard him call over to me through the window that was down on the passenger's side.

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