Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Everyone except for Agni was present at the mahogany lunch table. The napkins at the table were a beautiful shade of peacock green that matched the gem-crusted ceiling of the dining hall.

"Hey, gorgeous," Chag raised a brow at her dress as Indriya gave him a bright grin. 

"Hey, handsome," Now it was Lekha's turn to give a bright grin and a wink and Mythri's turn to try to put a reign on her annoyance. 

Mythri was this close to pulling out every vein in Lekha's body and Indriya chuckled softly.

"It's all drama and fun for you when it does not involve the Prince." Mythri scoffed, Indriya opened her mouth to taunt but Chag interrupted her.

"I heard that something happened with Agni and you in my absence," Chag's eyebrows were knitted close.

"A lot happens in your absence, I wonder what you are asking about," Indriya paused, "Taunting, training, irritating,  reading, eating..." 

"Kissing, hugging," Mythri interjected and when Indriya shot her a look she gave her a mocking grin. 

Chag heaved an irritated sigh and said, "I heard that you were crying while going into his room and crying while coming out. Did he say something to you?" 

It was about the day she went to the market. The day that had scarred her mind with countless nightmares, she was glad she wasn't screaming all night. 

"Oh, that..." she paused, her voice faded, "he didn't say anything and nothing happened, he..." embraced her, was concerned about what had happened and the look he gave her stirred up something inside her that should have never been disturbed in the first place. 

"Well, if he ever hurts you, I give you full permission to punch him in that ridiculously handsome face." Mythri smiled slyly and Indriya chuckled as a knot in her chest tightened. 

She recalled his scent, like blooming night Jasmines, soft and subtle. That was what had comforted her through the tears and the blood that she had witnessed. 

Throughout their lunch, Indriya attempted to change the topic away from the Prince. But the whole manor was talking about a crying princess running to her prince for whatever reason. 

Something about this talk that went around made the knot in her chest tighten even further until she could barely breathe.
How would she make these people respect her when all they thought was that she was a mere damsel in distress and Agni was doing the work? And they were right, their beloved prince was building the foundation for the revolution that would liberate them all. 

She couldn't blame them for thinking that all she was doing was being cooped up in her room when some of them were dying for their sake. 

"Indriya?" Chag spoke up, interrupting her thoughts.


"You look like you are about to throw that plate at someone." He chuckled.

"No, it's nothing, I just... I was just wondering about what Agni would be doing. He wasn't there for breakfast either." That was the fifteenth time she changed the topic in a mere hour. 

"Oh yeah, I haven't seen him since yesterday evening, seemed like he was quite busy with an arms dealer," Chag replied. Arms dealer? 

"For weapons?" Mythri asked.

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