Chapter 14

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;-; Issokay Agni, You got all of us. We are here for you! 

(Psst, psst Pls vote for this chapter ;-;)



Chapter 14

Agni knew that the Princess would not be happy when she would find out about this shattering truth. He shuddered when she had touched him, he had not felt a touch like that ever since... his mother died.

He remembered how his mother's cool hands would wrap around him every night to keep him from getting nightmares. He could remember how she would feed him with her own hands despite how busy she was. He remembered all of that and more, the expression his father bore when her funeral pyre burnt. She was sent off merely as a warrior, not as a King's wife, not as a queen.

He hated himself for waiting for the Princess's return and not killing that monster himself when he had the chance to do it. Nonetheless, his first priority now was the Princess, only The Princess and no one else. Agni was only a namesake Prince, the only wealth he inherited was his mother's resting bungalow that they now lived in; he had no army or allies except for Chag who was already an ally to Chag.

He knew she would be upset, but he didn't know she would lock herself up in her room all day. And with Chag gone to settle the matters with the psychotic bartender who killed a drunk man over a stupid drunken brawl, he was the one left incharge to take care of her not that she needed to be taken care of, but just in case.

Agni knew that when his friend would arrive and would get to know about him revealing the truth to Indriya, he would be more than furious, but he could convince his friend all too well by taking a few punches and landing a few as well. But what about the Princess?

'How do I get her to eat?' He sighed.

He walked toward her room and knocked on her door twice and entered like he always did. The Princess was asleep, curled up in a fetal position. She hugged a pillow and her eyes were swollen red due to the sobbing.

Agni could only look at her, she looked so young, so small and most of all serene. Her long eyelashes touched the skin below her eyes, and strands of her dark hair that came out loose from her hair settled on her cheeks that were damp. She had changed into a white cotton knee length frock. She looked like a little child, small, pure and lovely.

Agni involuntarily brushed a strand of hair away from her face and she stirred slightly and half-opened her eyes.

"What time is it, Agni?" She asked, mumbling sleepily, wearily.

"Lunchtime, Princess. I thought I should call you and then found you sleeping." He said trying to cover what he had just done with a harsh tone.


"I wish you could wake me up like this every morning for our training, it would be a lot better for the both of us." She smiled softly as she got up and made her way to the washroom to wash her face.

When she came out Agni was still there, seated on the Manila couch.

"I am starving, Princess, let's go." He got up and went out of the room.

She went outside and walked along with him, down the stairs and into the dining hall.

They sat down and had their lunch in peace.

"Agni?" She called him.

"Hmm?" Agni's mouth was full.

"Can you teach me how to control this madness?" She asked him as she chewed her food.

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