Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

"Your grandpa seems to like Agni," Mythri said as they gathered food.

"You think so?" Indriya asked.

"Yeah, it's true. I mean they keep going hunting and emerge from the forest with a victorious smile holding a squirrel. I feel concerned about them." She chuckled.

Chag wiped the sweat out of his eyebrows and went back to cutting wood.

"We are moving tonight, right?" Mythri asked.

"Yeah, we are. But where are we going? I mean we did escape the place, yes. Is there a plan in your mind?" She added.

"Yes. We have to reach the Vidyadhara village by tonight. So we will move after lunch." She declared as she stirred the so-called mushroom broth.

"How do you know about that village?" He asked.

"I sat in the library for hours memorising names and places." She shrugged.

Chag raised a brow.

"I had no other work." She said.

"A big nerdy hot family!" Mythri sighed. And this time both Indriya and Chag raised their eyebrows at her.

"What? It is a fact." She grinned mockingly, Indriya shook her head in disapproval.

"You called us nerds. You-called us-nerds." Chag stopped cutting wood and strutted to stand beside Indriya.

"Am I interrupting something?" Agni sat down taking a wild boiled sweet potato in his hands and then dropping it to the ground because it was too hot and then frowned and threw his hands up in the air in frustration.

"I swear Mythri if you don't just take back what you said I will freaking nuke Nirvana without nuclear weapons." She asserted.

"How will you do that?" Agni asked.

"She is more dangerous than a nuclear weapon. All she has to do is put on some lipstick. Isn't that right, Indriya?" Chag mocked.

"I thought you were on my side." Indriya pouted.

"Aww. I am, li'l sis."

"Hey, I don't know what this argument is about but I am on Manu's side." Agni interrupted.

"You're irrelevant!" Chag and Indriya shouted in unison.

"Might you enlighten me about the recent happenings in this consortium?" Agni asked his sister.

"They have a problem that I call nerds." Mythri crossed her hands.

"Oh, I see. But my sister's assertion is veracious. I don't see the problem." He said fruitily, moving his hands in a deft movement.

"Define Nerds," Chag asked.

"Oh, I would define the term nerd as 'prosaic sedentary maladroit' who is always cooped up in their room." He concluded.

"The thing is you two are so full of yourself and sassy that people are scared of walking up to you and speaking," Mythri said.

"A, people are greatly intimidated by how extremely attractive we are. B, you two have the people skills of a damned sea urchin so I don't think you can say that to our faces unless we put up a mirror in front of you." Indriya countered.

"Really? Sea urchin?" Agni raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, a sea urchin. Also, you almost bit my head off the first time we met, darling so I don't think you can say that to me." Indriya retorted.

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