Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Pulling the trigger was a temptation but what if she hit someone else instead of the damn Videhas? Then she would be doomed for the rest of her life.

But she was going to do it anyway, she read about it in books, and saw people do it in the movies. Although in movies, they used fake guns, these were real and were capable of killing people. Really killing them and hurting them.

The guns weighed a lot when she held them away from her body but Agni had made her strong enough by making her hold the heaviest of the swords during her training. And so she held the two guns in front of her and took a deep breath.

'Inhale, exhale and shoot.'

So she loosened her breath and pulled the triggers, she rained bullets of gold on her enemies and they fell back in line as each of them embedded themselves into their bodies with an impossible force and speed.

The bullets didn't kill the Videhas because they did not hit them in the heart, neck or head but they immobilised them. She shot their arms, thighs and legs and shoulders, punctured their wings and caused them as much harm as she could with the guns. The bullets kept raining and her comrades seemed to realise the uncontrollable power she was wielding hence, distanced themselves from her.

Her hands recoiled after every shot but she was strong enough to get through with the number of bullets she created each time. She shot each time and each time regulating the power of her gun and the Videha's kept coming for her, left right and centre.

A Videha lunged for her for killing all his comrades but Indriya had shot him with impeccable precision as it hit home in its heart and the Videha burst into dark black flames. But her chest burnt as her power resisted the motion and momentum and after a point, the guns simply vanished from her hands. All of a sudden her body gave up as well as her calves burnt and her knees buckled. She was falling to the ground but was erected by Bilvani who seemed to appear out of nowhere, it was difficult to stand but she mastered herself. Indriya had caught her breath for so very long that she took in a sharp breath and gasped.

"Indriya that was..." Agni's breath was also ragged as he approached her. "Where did you learn to use a gun? At that weird summer camp?" He lowered his eyebrows.

"It's only a trigger and my job was to kill half-assed Zombies. So using a gun is pretty much not the hardest thing on Earth, or across realms." She half-smiled, still catching a breath.

All of a sudden, Agni's eyes rounded and he lunged toward her with his sword with his arms extended as though he would embrace her but he shoved her aside and leapt behind Indriya to Mekhala who was swinging her sword with lightning speed.

Indriya saw it, a quick silver light, and heard the whoosh of the air before she hit the ground... No, before it struck Mekhala.

"Mekhala!" Agni shouted. But Mekhala did not reply.

Indriya rubbed the back of her head and glanced sideways.

"What was ..." an arrow was embedded in Mekhala's chest.

Indriya was on her feet in less than a heartbeat and sprinted toward Agni who held Mekhala in his hands. Blood oozed out generously from where the arrow was embedded and her leathers were turned an ugly shade of brown. Mekhala's heart was punctured with the same arrow with the skull mark, Indriya heard a beseeching scream from behind and then saw the similar figure of Lekha strut toward Mekhla.


"Mekhala? Mekhala I know you are alright, just listen to me. You will be fine, Manu...Manu will heal you." Lekha Yelled.

The Ballad Of NirvanaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora