Then he set back his drink and sighed. He seemed like he dreads every single conversation about his parents.

"Why do they suck?" I asked truly curious about what happened.

I grabbed his orange juice and took a sip readying myself for what he's going to say.

"They abused me." He said starting off. My orange juice came right back up, And out of my mouth.

"When I was younger my father would beat me up because and I quote "wasn't manly enough" I was freaking 5 years old! Anyway my mother never cared about me and my father wanted me to grow up and be the new leader of his mafia that's why I was heavily trianed after I turned 8 years old. When I mess up in a practice or anything my punishment would be to fight him and he would always win and shame me for losing. After I grew up a bit he started putting me in Tuff situations and he would come and save me just to prove that I will always need him. Like this one time he made his men kidnap me and he made them hold a gun to my head then he came and shot all of them just to save me. They were HIS men. He is the worst." He said while looking at the garden that was right under the balcony.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know that was a sensitive topic for you. They sound like they are the worst." I said looking at him with sorrow in my eyes.

"I just want to spend the day with you and enjoy it before hell breaks loose." He said, turning around and looking into my eyes.

"Now that sounds like a plan to me. Let's go eat something tonight!" I said excitingly.

"Where do you want to go eat?" He asked with a small smile.

"I WANT SUSHI! do you like sushi?" I asked looking at him.

"I've never tried it before." He said while wiping the orange juice that I spat from the table.

"You have to try it. It's the best!" I said removing his hand away from the table.

"Ok we will try sushi today for dinner. But now I want to tell you something." He said. "Shoot."

"Ok so there will be a dance ball on Monday and I want you to be my partner." He asked nervously. Adrian is nervous. Wow such a beautiful view.

"Fuck yes! that sounds fun. Can I ask what's the occasion?" I asked.

"It's for the Vance. They are another mafia and they just announced the new leader. Everytime a new leader is announced in the mafia. They have a party. But we call it a dance ball. We have to have a partner to dance with too. So I want you to be my dance partner. Usually every time a new leader is announced there is a surprise which only the leader knows." He said holding my hand in his.

"I don't know how to dance though." I said with my excitement deflating.

"That's why we need to practice the dance. Lucky for you I know the song." He said standing up.

"Come here." He said holding out his hand for me to take. I took his hand and he pulled out his phone and played the song that we will dance to at the ball.

He tossed his phone on the bed and he put one hand on my waist and the other one was in my hand.

He pulled me close and he started dancing and swaying to the song playing. Eventually I started following his moves and doing the same thing he's doing.

His eyes were on mine and his eyes were filled with adoration and love just like always. I love the way he looks at me; Like I'm the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

He was so close to me I could feel his breath fanning my nose. I say my nose because he was tall and I barely was at his shoulder.

He leaned in closer and I think he was about to kiss me. I leaned in over to to catch his lips but I caught his foot instead.

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